
@sfokevin: Come on, Apple was obviously testing bar-proofing shortly before the release date.

@David Corso: Really? Sounds more like standard corporate backup policy. Plus would you rather go through the work of rescheduling and reshooting? Not to mention the "oops, sorry we lost the last shoot" that you'll have to tell the client.

@Eriamjh: Well that's basically because short of going down a mile below the ocean surface, there's no way to inspect the actual device that was meant to prevent this catastrophe.

When AT&T introduced their tiering plans, I decided to finally see how much data I actually use. Turns out it's only about 500MB/month! But that's way too much for the 200 plan so I'm now exploring ways to actually increase my usage since apparently I'm letting it all go to waste!

@Wozamil: Yeah but that's slow and requires you to have access to the one computer you're allowed to sync with. With something like the iPad, it'd be nice not to even have to swap anything out. I rarely sync my iPad, it's much more of a stand alone device.

not sure what cable/internet providers you guys have but uploading on Time Warner takes about 3-4 hours to upload the typical thumbdrive's amount of data. the risk of getting seriously flamed? Can I offer the view of a (wanna-be*) fashion photographer?

This coming from an adman who most probably didn't give away his campaign ideas did he? (If he did, I'll eat crow but something tells me he took full credit for his ideas.)

You know, I'm not sure where I stand on this yet, from either side. I've interviewed my fair share of candidates but it really hasn't even crossed my mind to Google them. After an interview, I've always had a pretty good idea of whether they'll fit personality-wise and capability-wise. I'm hiring a person, a person

Why not do both at the same time?

@mr.morfa: Yep and Ikea Brooklyn too! All said they didn't know when they'd get more in stock.

Ha. I went to Ikea Elizabeth NJ this weekend buy the Stolmen shelves. No go as they were sold out of the poles. And now it looks like the other 2 stores in the NYC area are sold out as well!

@diannevan: My mantra? An empty desk is an empty mind!

@EnzoFX: I've always used my fingers for mouse movement. I've actually never understood how people can use their whole arm. Just seems so much less accurate.

@FreeChaos: Umm, I call this just-in-time work delivery. Why finish today what's not due till tomorrow. (At least if you can finish it in that time period.)

BTW, if you're looking to shoot concerts but can't bring in a 1D Mark III, I've had lots of luck bringing in a Panasonic GF1 with the 20mm 1.7 lens. Passes for a P&S with security. You'll have to get up close to get your shots but it'll be worth it since you can pump it up to ISO 800 in a pinch and get usable results.

While he mentions an F/1.2 lens, I doubt that particular shot was shot wide open. The Depth of Field is just too deep. Hard to tell but I'd guess maybe even F/3.5-4?

@virgilstar: It's not vanity to realize that presentation matters.

@mrsilver: "Finally, I've noticed that the Americans wear a double cuffed shirt and then a pair of jeans - which looks a little silly as you have a mismash of smart and casual."