Funny, supporting the Works of Marx on a site that has advertisement which is the very essence of Capitalism.
Funny, supporting the Works of Marx on a site that has advertisement which is the very essence of Capitalism.
The Irony is under Marx and Engles these developers would likely not be receiving awards or even get to choose the field they work in. I really don’t get how a philosophy that has failed over and over is still held in such esteem.
Being from a country that has been ruined by people who followed Marx and Engels, I do not welcome such a thing.
Marxism represents the death of religious thought. Not a good thing. Communism continues to turn corrupt in the modern world, with cases like China going so far as to control practice of religion. And you call Marxism a good thing? It oppresses religious thought.
Nobody who has suffered under Communism, or you know, has read a history book, thinks Communism is a good thing. It’s just old burnt out hippies, dumb Millennials who think they’re oppressed, and actual violent revolutionaries who think Communism works. Ask the ghosts of 100 million people who died under its heel in…
I’m in my mid 30s in Eastern Europe and having partly lived in what comes out of those “open minded” books you suggest, and having seen my family (both parents and grandparents) being the victim of oppression , secret police state, lack of basic resources and having their ownership destroyed for the “good of the…