
1 and only rule of taking your dog to a restaurant:

I don’t think there is ever a reason to bring a dog to a restaurant.

For $4000 you can either get this or a rusted RAV4 with 322,000 miles and a salvage title. NP.

I can’t argue with that price in this market, parts bin special or not. Look at what you can get in the Accord/Camry market for $4,000 and this also-ran Saturn starts to look pretty damn good.

This is not the car to cater to your desires, but it is a great way to meet your needs. It’s a car. Being a wagon adds utility.

Absolutely. Near the end of its lifespan, and even into the N64 era, a first party or “premier” 3rd party SNES game (like SF Alpha 2 or Marvel Superheroes: War of the Gems) went for $60 ($116.00 in today’s money). Most PS1 games were $40. PS1 owners typically had far larger libraries than N64 gamers in my experience.

“Lets talk about the early days of playstation!” then an article that only talks about PS2

While reading that tweet I though “Yeah, so what? In a CRPG you can usually hover over items and see a tooltip description”. Then I realized he meant the viewer can hover to see the descriptions in the streamer’s game.

In the future all the apps will live on a central phone that you control with your other phone with yet another app.

Long sigh....

If that story is true, and they weren’t just being hoonigans trying to off-road for fun, then I can understand their actions to a certain extent - if you’re lost in Death Valley, and almost out of gas, no chance of running into anyone and your GPS has no clear directions to get you out of the park but you can see a

Jeff McDaniels, the football analyst from Auburn and the soon to be Eastern Washington wide receivers coach? I’m not sure he’s that funny, but I guess you always need a straight man.

Here’s a fun thing to do- write the month and year you install that LED bulb on the base with a sharpie. When it burns out in a year or three, you can compare that with the ridiculous lifetime claim. It becomes obvious if you’ve got that light on a timer so you know the total hours.
The lumens drop dramatically with

Liv Tyler and Alicia Silverstone in Aerosmith’s “Crazy”, and Silverstone was in at least two other Aerosmith videos.

Is that many trucks a lot of pollution? At the scale of what a single person in a 3 bedroom home produced themselves in the same time frame yes, but on the scale of the total pollution output of the US it’s an insignificantly small amount. If she had toured with just a guitar and drove around the country in a Tesla it

Jonah 1:4 says “Then the Lord launched a great dildo upon the dancers, and such a violent storm of bananas that Lizzo’s dance team threatened to break up.”

I’m trying to match the extremely-religious dance captain with the extremely debauched goings-on in Amsterdam (seriously, LAUNCHED?).

Wow! 41 or 59, whatever the comments numbers mentioned...and not one stan for whom I am about to say.

I’m sure the Bill Hicks defenders will take affront to my saying so, but Dennis Leary’s No Cure for Cancer carried me through the mid-90s.

Yeah, this isn’t so much as “greatest comedy specials” as it is “greatest comedy specials by people we haven’t retroactively decided who are bad.” See also: Louis CK. Yes, he’s an awful guy, but there’s no denying that “Hilarious” is, well, hilarious.