
The fact that the commute times didn’t change tells you what you need to know about this conclusion. They are looking at roads where, during rush hour, the traffic already significantly outweighs the capability of the road to support that many cars going the previous speed limit, but can easily support higher speeds

Relying on unregulated private car ownership as the dominant form of transportation is dangerous and unhealthy to the public.

So, I think there’s a misunderstanding built into the term ebike- A class one ebike is a bike with an electric assist. It’s not faster than a regular bike. Think of it as a bike that’s designed to make you feel stronger or go farther without bonking. These are the expensive ebikes. They will assist you up until 20

You still haven’t won me over.

Riding e-bikes in traffic without a license, registration, and insurance seems kinda dickish to me.

There is something about an ice cold Sierra Nevada after a long hike that no other beer (to me) can emulate.  Being an older guy myself, the hazy IPA’s and sweeter beers don’t quite hit the spot like a SN.

Now, a reasonable person would think that - don’t go to an island that’s whole “thing” is a lack of motorized vehicles if you would like to use a motorized vehicle. But to the unreasonable, there’s a certain allure to going off to an island where nobody else is using a motorized vehicle. The freedom of being an outlaw.

Most Michiganders love the fact that the Island is vehicle free and limits things like electric bikes. It’s part of the charm and history and one reason why people like to visit. Locally, this will most likely be viewed as a positive story than a negative. I sure do.

Or just read the rules and ride a regular bike.

I mean, in many ways he’s not all that much different from the rest of us - right? It’s just his impact is greater because he has more money. But ultimately if we want to address any environmental issues we have to make sacrifices to things that entertain us, and make life easier. And most of us are very reluctant to

I know almost nothing about MacKinac Island.

I don’t even know who this dude is, but I assume he isn’t liked much? I Don’t understand the sarcasm in this piece. I don’t see anyone else cutting back on their private jet usage, why are we mocking this guy?

1) Who cares if Fieri is “obscenely wealthy.?

terrible time to not use thyme

AGAIN. People (as dumb as it sounds) make purchasing decisions on whether a car has both phone projection systems. You shouldn’t make your customers “choose” by removing choice, you make a system that’s “better” than Apple CarPlay or Android Auto and people will CHOOSE to use it. This is one of the most backwards,

All I know is people overstate Trump’s appearance on Fallon. The man was famous for saying shit all the way back in the 2000s he was normalized by then

Android Auto and Carplay are free - GM is doing this because they believe there is a $300B (yes, billion) revenue stream there that they should get out of subscription services.  Because I want to pay GM a monthly fee for my car’s infotainment system to not suck. 

I don’t want a system that works in my car. I want a system that works in my car, and in the grocery store, and in my living room. I will not be loading a GM app onto my phone to do that under any circumstances, and I am ...skeptical...that GM could make a product that has any relationship at all to products from

I was confused why they posted this after recently posting cars that have the biggest availability and decided by about the 2nd slide it has to be some exec demanding a slide show and this it was got shit out. I would define worst selling cars as those spending the most time on dealer lots, not a bunch of 6 figure

Probably but it can be debated that JPL in California was just as instrumental to NASA as Houston.