“before your parents even knew how to make you, there was The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.”
“before your parents even knew how to make you, there was The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.”
Pretty much any of the ultra hard games. I’m in my 40's, so I grew up with a lot of NES and SNES games that were hard in comparison to modern counterparts, so it’s not that I can’t get through difficult games. The bigger issue for me is that at this point in my life I just don’t have the time to repeat the same boss…
I disagree with you here. All indications are that Trump being elected is a very real possibility. We shouldn’t sugarcoat this, and it should be raising alarms everywhere. I don’t doubt that a majority of people will vote against Trump, but in our system that doesn’t matter, and he may very well lose the popular vote…
Let’s remember that not everyone smokes it, I gave that up for other forms out of health concerns.
“An eatery with a children’s menu that includes smaller portions from the main menu, even if they’re alongside such beige standbys as chicken fingers and fries, is a great find.”
All it did for me when it was legalized in my state was add a new vice to my regular weekend craft beer habit.
“A marked increase of marijuana usage in the younger age group could signal that people using weed instead of alcohol to kick back more often—yet it’s worth noting that middle-aged people are using more weed as well, and they remain steady drinkers.”
“Tagging along for the ride, Stellantis — which could have nearly 5 million impacted vehicles — also called the regulator’s decision “arbitrary, capricious, and contrary to law.” That’s very serious, but if you imagine Johnnie Cochran saying it, it gets a lot funnier.”
This is not unexpected, but also kind of a bummer. Every time a new season of this show comes out I brace myself for disappointment, then I find that my fears were unfounded. IMO there has been no drop in quality over the course of the series. I thought the most recent season was particularly strong, I loved Tracy…
I agree there is too much sameness, and that it could have done with some editing, which is true of pretty much all of their albums since The Black Album. If Hardwire had been edited down to a 60 minute runtime I think it could have been a great album.
This is silly. Do people also heat up their canned tuna before making a sandwich with it due to safety concerns? I’ve used unheated canned beans in my lunch salads every day for years and it’s never been an issue.
No 72 Seasons by Metallica? It’s arguably the best album they’ve put out this century, and was also nominated for a Grammy.
Probably ambiguous because it’s confusing. I work as an analyst for an OEM, and tons of people who should be “in the know” on such things are confused about which vehicle will qualify for how much of the credit.
Jon Schaffer of the band Iced Earth. I didn’t go into those specifics because I didn’t think many here would have any clue who he is.
This is not a body-on-frame vehicle.
You’re incredibly lucky to have avoided it for so long. Having the ability to better curate my seasonal music means I haven’t heard it in quite a few years, but it lives with you.
I’m sure she’s crying into her pillow stuffed with hundred dollar bills right now. And for the official record, I don’t find her unattractive, she’s just not a celebrity I’ve ever looked at and lusted over. Again, I’m sure she’s super bummed about that.
There definitely warning signs along the way that he was unhinged, but I was still surprised, but not completely shocked when I learned he took part in Jan 6. I wasn’t following Iced Earth super closely in the years leading up to it because I lost interest in them after Barlow left for the second time. Speaking of…
I never watched Episodes or Joey, so I can’t comment on those. I think Frasier is of its time and place, and that it was probably best just to leave it there. I really can’t imagine the more modern and edgy style of a single camera show working for Frasier.
You know it.