
Nope :(

(Not to be confused with Obsidian’s upcoming role-playing game, The Outer Worlds, this is a game by the small studio Mobius Digital.) I did :/

Your also losing the 4k Blu-Ray player. Stupid price for a stupid product.

Other than “Its one of my favorite books” Trump?

Would this effect the localization of the game?

I’ve been a diehard AC fan from the 1st game. I like 3, sure it had issues but I think it was trying new things, not all of them (economic missions) but some did (sailing). I think it gets a lot of shit for no reason.

In his defense he is a big cinema buff. His own creative output may not be for you but he knows his stuff.

No judgment, just curious. I have a friend that won’t watch any movie thats not in color.

Do you not watch films with a female protagonist?

Part of me was super upset they just put “Warhammer 40k”

Pretty sure he meant the only “good” Spider-Man game.

You realize Geralt is not “grey” his hair is white because of the extra shit they did after the “trial of the grasses”

We can’t even do that here in North East Louisiana

Hey now, I liked The Witcher 3's combat

I watched the Beast of War play through on YouTube and... its crazy complicated I honestly think it would take the better part of a week to learn the rules

I was born in and still live in Louisiana & I HATE the fact that this area is so racist. I want to leave so bad but at the same time I feel like that’s what all the openly racist people want. All of the sane people to leave. I’m white and have this conflict, I literaly could not imagine being a POC in this state.

It’s BC on Xbox One and looks great.

Is that Killer Mike?

Yes, It’s real but it’s part of the “world building” early chapter. He’s explaining what Gunters are.

Yes, It’s real but it’s part of the “world building” early chapter. He’s explaining what Gunters are.