
Idk my dude, if your first response to this article was to immediately #NotAllCisGays it maybe you should reevaluate your priorities.

Yeah, this class sucks and I hope they get sued into stopping, but also, and I say this as an atheist, calling your organization the Freedom From Religion Foundation gives off some serious Douche Vibes.

Had to shift the blame off the white cis gay guy acting badly, huh?

Speaking as someone who’s been trying to get into the game by writing my own campaign and prerolling characters for everyone, this is all... really good advice.

There is no part of this story that doesn’t make me deeply uncomfortable.

Idk, I’ve been playing Bioware games since ME1 and I kind of just expect them to look like that.

We got a pro controller so we haven’t seen any sync issues in tv mode yet, but in handheld mode the left joycon keeps saying it’s disconnected. Like, every thirty seconds. It makes playing in handheld mode literally impossible.

On the one hand, I was excited to see another black hero joining the cast, so it’s disappointing to see she’s just the new hero’s creator. On the other hand, thank you Blizzard for not forcing me to shoot at a child.

Oscar voters vote for insane subjective reasons all the time. Not to mention, these are just awards, you don’t HAVE to give them to somebody. You’re free to say “That was a really good performance but this guy is a scumbag and we don’t want to give him anything.”

Woah, let’s not bury the lede here: they added a Showcase mode to 2K17? I might actually have to pick it up now.

Why are you so worried about what other people are doing in a game mode you’re not going to play

Game For Creeps Accidentally Too Creepy

Idk for me it’s less about “don’t make fun of Baron” and more about “stop acting like autism is an insult”. It’s still ableist and insulting to people who actually are autistic, no matter who the target is.

I had no clue that Ed Sheerhan cowrote Love Yourself, and now I wish he’d recorded it himself. The Bieber version is terminally self-serious, especially in comparison to Fuck You, the song it so desperately wants to be, and I think Sheerhan has enough self awareness to have done something more fun with it.

I didn’t get out of work until all the good sales had already been picked over, so I stuck to digital sales this year. I was hoping they might knock Watch Dogs 2 down a few bucks on the PSN, but no bueno. I ended up settling on Mafia III which is... well, had it been full price, I’d be largely disappointed, but at 35