
This feels more like some misogyny at play. “The little girl won’t fight us!” The back catalog was a dead asset the minute Taylor said she was going to re-record them. The leverage she gained with the streaming services might have them promoting her new versions over the originals. That’s truly going to hit the bottom

She gets a lot of grief from the kinds of people who can’t seem to fathom the notion of celebrities (or people in general) not being perfect, but Taylor Swift is a god-damned beast and I’m here for it. 

I doubt she had much of a choice if she wanted a major label contract. This arrangement is not at all uncommon, The Beatles being the most famous example. But often once an artist hits it huge and has money of their own, if the label wants to sell then they sell it to that artist. Stiff-arming Swift was the original

I work in finance and deal with private equity groups all the time. The fact that one would make a purchase of this magnitude without knowing conclusively that she wouldn’t re-record the same damn songs is mind-boggling. The amount of due diligence involved in selling a company to a private equity group is usually

I have a friend who listens to basically nothing but Scandinavian black metal and hard bop jazz (I know, right), and he thinks this is the most badass move since Prince decided to no longer be Prince in order to screw his former label. Respect.

“Forever and Always” is one of my favorites, and I found it to be one of the songs on Fearless (Taylor’s Version) that lost a little something in the re-record. There’s a kind of manic energy to that song that I love, that she just doesn’t have anymore, most likely because she’s just not that mad any more. I feel like

Next time I’m buying stereo equipment, Taylor’s Version albums are going to be my reference material. The dynamic range on these records is so wide, it’s clear they were mastered for private on-demand listening, not radio. Really lovingly produced, beautiful recordings.

Not my music taste but I respect her work ethic.

Taylor Swift continues be such a fascinating person and I mean that in the most respectful way possible.

You know when Braun first bought the catalog. Kelly Clarkson tweeted that Swift should re-record everything to F him over. I guess it was good advice!

This Jez blog reads like it’s not just the private equity firm that underestimated her and Jez is finally figuring out what the rest of the world did ages ago - including those of us who aren’t fans of her music at all but still respect the hell out of her. You’d think a supposedly feminist blog would have better

My mom died a few years ago from cancer and while driving her home from a particularly obnoxious visit with a doctor I told her that I hated how they talked to her like she was an idiot. She looked at me and said “All my life people thought I was just a dumb blonde. Turn’s out the joke was on them

And I’m sure at no point throughout these women’s entire dating life did they EVER encounter a man who would be honored to be an equal partner in child care, housework, etc.

I feel this so much. I envision my marriage as the two of us starting out on a boat together ready to sacrifice for each other and go on this wonderful journey. But after some floundering, he eventually says he doesn’t know how to row, and he didn’t pack the oars. So I got out and swam, pushing the boat for both of

It’s especially awkward watching straight couples start to wither because they let societal expectations and/or children shape their choice to be in the relationship rather than it being a wholly conscious decision. My partner’s best friend’s marriage is going through a slow implosion because the husband seems intent

It seems like in these situations the pandemic exposed long-standing relationship problems. For example, the unequal division of labor in the home could probably be resolved early on with open, honest, vulberable AF communication (with or without the structure of therapy), but for couples who hadn’t built this type of

I’m sure it’s because I’m a barren millennial spinster with no prospects but I’m also sure it’s because I watched my mother and aunts struggle in their relationships with men that I am convinced that marriages with men are a true dice roll in life.

Why are they "wackjobs" because they actually care about other living beings besides themselves?  And then we wonder who the real animals are.  . Smh.  . Humans are sad evil and cruel so called "beings"

Sooo that’s the solution? we just shoot down innocent birds because the locals don’t like them? Well ain’t that about a bitch it’s a shit load of humans that need to be eradicated but I don’t see any one doing anything about that pest problem. . Smh. . Dumb ass people