
The country may not be burning, but only because we’re dying from death of a thousand cuts instead. I spent an hour & half today on an organizing call talking about those in exquisite, bloody detail. I would recount them, except I know that you are a trump shill and not really interested n anything but arguing, plus I

You nailed it. Depth means shit. The world may not be burning, but that’s only because we’re dying more from “Death of a Thousand Cuts."

“most people can’t articulate an actual freedom that they’re actually lost” ... Hmm ... Could this possibly be more of a reflection of the privileged people you ask or are around / surrounded by rather than an indication of actual lack of damage? Because I can certainly reach out with both my arms and hit 3 to 5

Wish more did this. I've what's seen from to back. Sometimes by section, but STILL at the FRONT of that section. 

Smells. Flushing sound every minute. People hovering.

UncleCC called it. Never. I HATE HATE chilling back there waiting for the bathroom, (which, aren't you NOT suppised to?) but if you don't, you NEVER GET TO PEE. I feel bad being up in their space. Never. 

Us too.

Sorry not important, but: does this guy not look seriously like Kavanaugh? Is there some kind of connection between ruddy, rosacea cheeks & being a sexual predator? (Kidding)

Nobody is confusing it and no one, even the most strict Catholics use rhythm method. They use your egg-white method too, the whole “scientific” package, AND THEY STILL ALL HAVE 5+ UNPLANNED BABIES!!! 

If it's so great, why do just about all Catholic couples who use fertility tracking have so many unplanned babies? 

None. As soon as I chose to work-at-home, my life did a 180 and I found the “balance” or “have it all” that everyone said was impossible. In fact, I was even able to help other moms (who would coordinate with me and gift me support in return that was helpful, kind, but never *needed* per se on a “oh my gosh my kid is


This is why no one invites you to parties

Sorry, this isn’t clear. You get a certain amount of 4g data with the $10 (not that I ever saw 4g-type speeds) and when that’s used up, they send you a message asking if you want to re-up for an extra $10. But if you don’t re-up, supposedly you just have 3g or maybe 4g without LTE? IDK but that DEFINITELY never

Would not recommend in north Spain or south France, myself. Slow as molasses IF it even worked. 

Verizon has that too, but it’s CRAP COVERAGE, even in big cities like Barcelona and Marseille. 0/10 do not recommend.

Just returned from northern Spain and southern France and Verizon’s $10 a day “only if you use it” data plan SUCKED- there were NO Gs hardly anywhere. Sure, that makes sense if you’re in the roughs of the Pyrenees, but I’m also talking Barcelona proper, Marseille proper (second biggest city in France!), Tarragona,

Racists gonna racist. My question is, who the fuck is hiring graduates of Inability to Critically Think U?

Conversely, if your middle/ high schooler is good at team sports and practices 2 hours after school every day, why waste valuable academic time on gym class? My kids always listened to their coaches more intently than teachers (or me) so the nutrition, sleep and athletic lessons soaked in much better than

I’m 41 with 2 teens still into Cedar Point. Here’s what happens: first it’s the inner ear thing, or nausea from dizziness that you never had the 1,000 times you rode the ride before age 30 to 35. No problem, you can avoid the spinny stuff. BUT THE NEXT AFFLICTION (age 35+) IS THAT YOU LEGIT GREYOUT (not quite black