
Wow. That was interesting. Thanks for posting that. The Dr did a great job of assessing his needs and the work looked well done and very natural for such a dramatic change.

I think when we are particularly vulnerable and exhausted we either lose that inner nagging voice or we feel so defeated by ourselves we don't know if we can’t trust it.

Exactly this.

Agreed. Can’t any citizen with time and resources devote themselves to a public service? I don’t think she holds any authority to set policy but I would think any citizen could make a plan and present it for debate and vote through the proper channels

He was promoted to captain and the department completely disagreed with the ruling

I’m not really questioning the ruling but the response from the dept was such an f*you to the public and he has since been promoted to captain.

I think the department response to the ruling and the fact that he was promoted means it's not just him or just a few asshats

I was ordering Bailey’s in my coffee at 6:00 in the morning. The flight attendant just smiled knowingly and got it immediately. Flight attendants seem like pretty awesome people.

Iam in TN and the last time I flew home from NYC I think I was the only person on the plane without small children not going to Disney World... it was like 80 kids under the age of 10 and the whole plane smelled like piss.

1998’s A Cool, Dry Place Vince Vaughn for sure.

This wasn't me but a friends dad cheated on their mother with woman #2, mom divorces dad, dad marries woman #2 but spends wedding night locked in the bedroom alone on the phone with divorced mom, mom and dad start an affair cheating on woman #2. They all fought and it went on for a few years. Eventually dad and woman

Right.... yes she would pick it up as he was getting out of the booth so he would never see her. The weirdest thing too was that she would see me see her picking it up. It was very strange but I was only 16 and I just thought it was super weird. I hustled and made bank there for a 16 year old so I just though if she

I don’t know if it was technically theft, especially if they were married. I was just 16 and it was my first job and I was just stunned and thought it was so crazy. I guess I figured if she needed it that bad, she could have it.

I know right... I was only 16 and it was my first job. If I knew then what my old self knows now, I would have absolutely said something. At that age though, I was just fascinated with people and all their quirks.

Right. I used to wait on the same couple every Friday night. They would come in and ask for my table and would be just fine to wait on because they always ordered the same thing and were generally low key but they always sat in a booth with her on the inside so when he would get up and put down the $5 for a tip, she

Oh thanks for reminding me... I had forgotten about A Home at the End of the World...

In Bruges

Ahhhh...yes, sorry I should have replied to Mermantis and just starred your comment. This old will get the hang of Kinja one day... or maybe not lol :)

I think she was using it in the context of that she has been through some real trauma but survived and kept living her life and going forward instead of letting it break her and that even though this part of his routine was very painful...she's already been through some shit and will handle this too... that he can't