
When I was looking into self defense things for my wife after she was verbally (and nearly physically) assaulted by an angry client (a 50-something year old man, of course), one of the options the…arms dealer? Whatever you would call a lady who sells weapons for other ladies…offered me was a keychain that looked like

When I managed the steakhouse it was always creepy, disheveled, usually smelly old guys who came in to eat alone that harassed my 17 and 18 year old servers. Like, always. It sounds like a generalization, but it was true about 90% of the time in my experience.

It's sooooo good, LJo1. You're killin' me here! ;-)

Fair enough. And it did actually escalate until the guy I punched stabbed a friend of mine so badly he had to be life flighted to a trauma center. I'm not saying it's pretty. It's just tough to stand by with nazis around. If you don't confront them, they just roll right over you.

My old office was near a biker-gangish garage. They were very nice, but it was more a hangout for biker types than an actual business. Whenever I'd go by that place, I swear there was more amputees hanging out on the stoop/garage bays than at Walter Reed.

To safely execute a jump on a motorcycle, or BMX bike, or anything, I imagine, you have to be cookin'. If you start to get squirrelly going at the launch ramp, I imagine you don't have too many good options.

How do you suggest we deal with things?

Your name is a contradiction, sir! :-)

My most-rigid ideological stance is that "all white nationalists should live in fear."

True. But, man would it expose the hypocrisy of LEOs.

It could stay a crime. I was willing to face the consequences for doing the right thing. A simple assault charge for knocking a skinhead who was harassing my friend on his ass? Worth it.

Nah, doesn't need to be legal.

BLM should arm up, to the fucking teeth. Every mosque in the country too.

Yea, I wasn't feeling Bridges. My friends were confused when I said I didn't dig his performance, so I assumed it was just me.

GoDaddy one.

MLA, me punching a skinhead who was sieg heiling at my friend's band (my friend, the lead singer, is black) makes me literally just as bad as the nazi who murdered that woman on Sunday. LITERALLY JUST AS BAD.

Guys, I don't want to piss off all of the middle-of-the-road liberals and suggest that these scum need to be punched or anything. I got told what an evil person I am enough in comments on an article earlier today where I said we need to organize to defend ourselves physically against these fucks.

A Nazi Rapture!

Right. I should have just tried to reason with him. Then after he punched my teeth out because I wouldn't have had the element of surprise I could have hit him back.

I was a B- student, unfortunately. :-(