
It's so goddamn loud. Some of the people I was with were complaining. There is a scene with some bullets hitting an enclosed space that I couldn't wait to end. I found the sound they made nearly unbearable at that volume.

Thank God. I hated Hacksaw Ridge.


This looks pretty great.

Randy Stair's matter of fact manner when discussing planning the murders is chilling.

He blue himself!

The fonts remind me of those shitty "In this house…" posters.

What issues have the most meaning?

I never thought I'd see comments/people like this here and I've been coming to avc for over a decade.

You use "negro" derogatorily constantly. That's pretty racist.

Also, it must be something to know that if you didn't exist, like if you were hit by a bus tomorrow, the world would be a better place. Society is worse off because you are in it. That's something, really. To be that big a piece of shit.

I think I would rather be trapped in an elevator with Stringer Bell than Avon Barksdale. Stringer seems like he might come up with a good plan, Avon would probably just glower and be really scary. I guess both would be better than Marlo, who would more than likely beat everyone to death and then attempt to beat the

Just in case anyone thinks I'm being too harsh to the fuckface, a selection of his comments:

I was cringing and jumping a lot because of the gunfire. I almost can't believe how loud it is.

Doooood. The score is SO good. Unbearably tense.

This movie was really fucking loud.

Nah, fuck Sean Spicer.

Fair enough. Although, I know a surprising number of people who think Trump is a legit good Christian. Anything contrary is fake news slander.

More an Eric Cartman type. The democrats are Tenorman. We thought we had him, laughed at him, mocked him, even while he was telling his friends that his trained donkey was going to bite our dicks off.

He was just tipping the maids very, very well. Bigly. Everyone says that Trump is the best tipper.