
Isn't Anton Chigurh one of the wolfmen now?

This movie is fucking terrible in all ways.

…and the fact that the their Dark Universe Mummy character is being billed as a woman, when the Mummy is actually. .(SPOILERS FOR A TERRIBLE FUCKING MOVIE THAT YOU PROBABLY HAVE ALREADY FIGURED OUT)….

…or gay frogs.

I almost wish some of this shit were true. Not the really fucked up stuff like the Sandy Hook conspiracy and the like, but that they find some Island of Doctor Moreau somewhere or a politician pulls of his face to reveal that they are actually a lizard person.

Coast to Coast is fun and a pretty singular throwback to weird AM radio schlock. Jones is…not that.

I have a giant fucking afro.

Yea, I've had a 360 for a long, long time.

Sounds like a doctor who serial.

I'm looking to update my console for the first time in about a decade. PS4 or Xbone, nerds?

They are cashing in on The Mummy fever sweeping the nation!

I thought this was satire before reading your comment history and realizing you actually are an idiot, cryptofascist, Trumpist scum collaborater and apologist.

The A.V. Club!

I haven't seen Alone. Does it air on discovery?

After watching her on Legion, I have trouble seeing Aubrey Plaza as anything other than terrifying.

Naked and Afraid: XL 90 minute finally tonight at 10 p.m. EST on Discovery.

The Lost Weekend is fantastic. So, so good.

The drive in theater was showing The Mummy and Alien: Convenant on Friday night. I ended up not staying for Alien because I had been up since 4 a.m. that morning and couldn't keep my eyes open after The Mummy slog. The Mummy truly is as bad, if not worse, than all of the negative reviews suggest. It's a boring,

I liked it. It's not a classic sure, but it felt like Who. And I'll take it.

This Kinja shit is bumming me out.