
Oh man, the conservatives I know have been frantically jerking off about this since the news first broke. They fucking love things that advance their agenda of bigotry and hatred.

I have a really adamant Stein supporting friend who absolutely is the left equivalent of the "crazy uncle" who used to send conservative chain e-mails.

Don't blame me, I voted for Kudos!

I had to google that one.

At least Nader was well-meaning besides being ridiculously boring. I mean, the dude was literally the "my platform is that everyone should buckle up" guy.

I think the biggest problem with Stein is that she is a total fucking moron.

A study has shown that you are a butthead and there is a 87% chance that you suck.

The Glenn Greenwald set are pushing the "Liberals are scapegoating mother Russia and are very dumb" idea pretty hard. I wouldn't call that crew "alt-right."

I hate when someone is *kind of* too far, but not quite, and it is hard to judge. I always feel bad when I see them start to rush.

It's like how the pro-Trump, pro-nationalist, conservative social media sites are influencing scum to go murder black people, right?

God damn. Take care of yourselves and each other, guys.

At any rate it will be super sexy with those two.

Did you guys see Trump stop the photo op with Netanyahu to declare that he never mentioned Israel to the Russians?

I don't think cocaine has the tendency to stay stashed anywhere for very long.

Why the fuck would you promote "being held on an island once owned by Escobar" as a good thing?

Long story. There used to be a grouchy old commenter named lobsters1 back in the day. I'm pretty sure Buzz is him, as they are pretty exactly the same in tastes, opinion and abrasiveness.

Hey, I know that some find her affectations a little annoying (always chewing the coffee straw on Weeds!). But, I am an adult and I personally love Mary Louise Parker.

Buzz spends all of his days pretending to not be lobsters1.

Speaking of Jews, Trump looked supremely ridiculous at the Wailing Wall in his Yarmulke today. It's a small thing, but that man looks awkward doing absolutely everything.

I took like three xanax bars and drank a bottle of southern comfort on graduation day. I have absolutely no recollection of it at all. A friend of mine has a photo of me from a disposable camera (thank God most of my debauchery was pre-cell phone cameras/social media) in my gown but instead of my graduation cap I'm