@JTen: I still love iSquint. Use it constantly. There may be better swiss-army-knives, but it just does the one thing I need it to do, over'n'over.
Even more minimalist than long-abandoned-yet-eternally-useful iSquint? Interesting...
• 52" SONY KDL52NX800 BRAVIA 1080p LCD HDTV with LED backlight and built-in Wi-Fi for $1113 with free shipping (normally $1845 - use coupon code LOYALTY15)
@LaziestManOnMars: Best joke ever. You know urine for a treat when you read Gizmodo comments.
@Celtic1888: Yep.
@Pixelologist, Esq.: I know, logically, that it was terrible, and yet... the endless hours I spent trying to coax that block/ball without tilting the thing... good times!
Atari 2600 Video Pinball FTW.
@wkm001: Ditto!
@MinervaAlpaca: Yes! They might as well skip the pretense and simply sell you a 5-cent name badge: "I am Green Lantern." "Oh, I see you are Green Lantern! Here's a roll of Smarties!"
Calling The Agitator....
There's a giant DS on the moon, too. And a third in orbit around Jupiter.
@Walking Eye!:The Business-Casual Gamer: MIS-TER X.
I'll stick with Tony's for the best pizza.
@Dave: I'm here, and I'm not a legislator or an old people.
@AlienSix: Greg Kihn is suing you all! [en.wikipedia.org]
@RyanXP: I hope this comment thread goes on for 16 or 18 entries, yet never concludes.
@ehed: Oh c'mon. "It's nothing speculator dropping."
@MSgtSimon: Likewise. I expect at some point I'll migrate more fully to my GV number, but for now its for one-off contacts like delivery guys, and to scribble on non-essential forms or sign-up docs.