I use my library all the time, and this bookmarklet is a major convenience: [www.marklets.com]
I use my library all the time, and this bookmarklet is a major convenience: [www.marklets.com]
downtown Tallahassee's ok.
Nut Nuke Neuters Nerds Now.
VOTE: about:blank
Funny, my iMac HD died a couple weeks ago, so I grabbed an external Firewire drive and set it up as the boot drive, restoring Users to it, etc. So I have this internal HD doing nothing. It occurs to me that I could try installing U-10.04 on it. The drive presumably has those bad spots that'll make it crash…
@labyrinthine is a kickass philanthropist: or a tilde or some other mark that comes before 'a' or after 'z' in ASCII. I've done this for years with folders, contacts, etc.
Anything for WebTV?! x-)
Just ROT-26 your p/w. Totally secure yet easy to remember.
@Pwnguins: I was excited about it, but it didn't impress the kid. I still have a MAME session every now and then. If they put more retro games in the store and dropped the price to $2 or $3, I'd pay instead of hack.
@Tony Bullard Jr: Yep, it's a smiley-translation error. I get it from my sister, who I believe uses her ISP's webmail... which must not be perfectly standardized.
I was at Strawberry Freezer Jam in '04. Got totally smashed and slept in my tent for most of the show.
Oh, the radio-code thing. First time I let the battery die on my Honda Accord, I nearly killed everyone in a 100-mile radius b/c of my inability to find the code, and refusal to pay $150 to the dealer to fix my stereo.
Anyone have thoughts on the 46" LCD TV that's the best value, before kickoff next week?
@Mysterius: Thanks - it's good stuff! I forgot how much I liked some of those SNES games. (I did have trouble explaining Zork to a 12-year old... "You mean it's just words? Can't you do that on your computer, not my Wii?")
A report from the field [from a nervous dad who never had the nerve, before]: I d/l the files and put them on the SD card. Was surprised to see that I didn't need to rename 'installer' to 'boot.elf.' Took a gamble and loaded it up...
@Adam Pash: "She blinded me with science... BUTTER science!"
@Xerone: Not concave - I think that's just an odd visual effect. I've been using this thing for 5 or 6 years, and have worn the 'shiny' off the buttons, under my fingertips. The shiny/matte difference is causing it to look concave, I think.
That's a nice car-hole.