
For sure, but men and women do awful things as a result of their compliance with that system. I guess I’d personally go with “I hate the partiarchy” is all...

So many honour killings are committed by mothers in law, sisters, aunts and mothers. This is a problem that goes way beyond a gender demographic. (How much easier it would be if it didn’t though....)
Feeling the hatred with you sister

I think we need a Jesus skin, because seriously, that would be hilarious. Offend all religions equally, you can’t just go after the ones that aren’t white people... because well you know... Blizzard is super white so there’s noway they’d find making a Hindu god offensive, that’s for savages. Savages don’t play

I’m going out on a limb here and saying that this is not a good person. The only “mistake” she made was posting her vile, completely illegal mean girl snark to the whole world rather than just to her (no doubt equally vile friend).

Good people don’t make “mistakes” like that. It was very malevoleant, cruel, and intentional.

Is the “mistake” in this place showering in a place where some privacy is expected? Struggling to see who’s the mistake-making “good people” in this case...

I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.

The fucked up thing about the Dani Mathers situation is that, in her apology video, she says that it was an accident and the video was supposed to be private. She says that she isn’t the kind of person to body shame, yet she pulled out her phone, wrote those captions, and took a second pic.

The body shaming is hurtful in and of itself, but to post a nude picture of a woman from your gym online without her consent? It’s disrespectful and pervy. Wow...I have so many and no words all at once. I’m glad the gym has gotten the police involved.

what a horrible douchecanoe she is.

You think? I swear I’m not trying to argue with you, but Jennifer recently ranted to HuffPo about how tabloids can’t stop speculating about her reproductive choices. Her movies are complete shit except for Cake. (Seriously that poor thing has the worst agents.) Regardless, the celebrity gossip rags have continually

I think the truth is somewhere in the middle, like maybe Kanye mentioned wanting to include her in a song somehow and Taylor gave a noncommittal “sure thing, bud.” But given how controlled her image/brand is, I cannot in a million years imagine her okaying “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/Why? I made

But she did it again with Justin Theroux. No one knew about that wedding not even the guests.

Jennifer Aniston managed to get married and have no one find out. Not only that, but the first time she got married to a major movie star, she managed to ban all photography from going public except for one shot. To this day!!!!!!!!

He refers to her as Taylor Swift instead of Taylor though. If I’m truly madly deeply in love with someone I’m not referring to them by their whole name when I speak of them or my relationship. There’s a lack of intimacy there that betrays what he’s saying.

Im tired of her bullshit. Good girl so many years, style chick, didnt care. But sick of it at this point. Fake squad, facial expressions, shallow songs, acting clueless. Dont even know if im making sense just annoyed.

Why does this almost-36-year-old woman insist on talking like a vapid 15-year-old valley girl?

They have brexit, so we still win, for now.

Everything on the Kardashian show is curiously edited.

I don’t consider Kanye’s interruption to be one of sexism, but one of narcissism. He truly believed (believes) his words and point of view are more important than everyone else’s.