Getting shade by Staples has to be a low point in Kris' famewhore career.
Getting shade by Staples has to be a low point in Kris' famewhore career.
What the fuck is with male owners of gossip magazines and male paparazzi, obsessively documenting and harshly judging the lives of women, selling it to the masses, who consume it regardless of gender, and then men blaming women for all of it?
The worst pic is the one where they are in a restaurant and he is kissing her hand.
It’s like every single PhD I have ever met: They might be a genius at their course of study, but they are complete fucking idiots at pretty much everything else. Also, he might be one of those actors who are only as good as their director. No director = phenomenally shitty pretending.
I’m also thinking, her team will want to schedule the news of the breakup for when there’s something else dominating the news, like say, the US elections, with the option for cute instagram posts of her healing with her family and friends in a beautifully curated Thanksgiving.
On the bright least her hair is back to normal?
We actually have a lot of those perfect rock piles around the beaches in RI. I think they chose to sit by one that was already there for a better photo. They are so fake, we both agree on that!
Yes! Their very first “romantic” paparazzi photoshoot made me giggle at the blatant and shameless display of fuckery and fakery. Also, I thought Higglesworth was meant to be a good actor?
One of their PR people needs to break it to them that this whole thing has been a flop.
At first I thought, oh that’s nice, they both seem like nice people and they look sweet. Now after Day 10 of endless “candids” and awkwardly staged photos of them, it’s so phony. Tom needs to change his PR team if they think this will make him “famous” to the non-Marvel fans.
I say ‘bravo, China, you’re doing it right’. Hopefully soon we’ll be able to ban discussing, photographing, acknowledging or writing late night monologue jokes about it. Not to mention being one of the two people involved in peddling it to us.
Wrestlemania is more real than their relationship!
I think her acting is one-note, but good for her!
Her? really? I mean good for her, I just... I just don’t get it. I would never see her in a cast list and be like “Oh yeah that is gonna be good” but then again her charms aren’t aimed at me I guess.
but rather a size 8 or 10,
i can totally see tay meeting the parents after two weeks. remember, this is the same girl who BOUGHT A DAMN HOUSE across the street from a dude she had been dating for a month.
Duh, she got knocked up when they danced at the Met Gala.
People magazine online has been littered with stories about them and I am over it. The more they try to make this a thing, the less I believe it is real.
Tom, my dude. We need to talk, bro. What are you even doing? Can’t you follow Cumberbatch’s example and, like, not embarrass yourself?