
She’s not a creep but she’s certainly obnoxious. I’ve been a fan of hers for a while but I also see her playing the PR game a lot more obviously than her peers do. It’s not bad, necessarily, but she pushed her everyday awkward girl/feminist images so hard that the reality—that she’s not very relatable anymore, and

Because anyone who comes off as controlling and fake as she does annoys people. I love her most recent album (I actually loved every single off that album and I still can’t stop listening to Style & Blank Space) but as a person, she annoys the hell out of me. But I do love her cats.

I know that everyone is going be all QUEEN TAYLOR, which *sideeye*

It’s the fact that everything in her life seems to be perfectly manufactured and she always seems to place herself as the victim, that’s what bothers me.

Seems like she just gets guys, uses them for a bit, dumps them, makes a song about them, makes millions, and gains fans. Pretty ingenious.

He’s into this, he wants to be famous no matter what it takes.

Damnit, I hope she didn’t rebound too fast. She only had about 2 days to write songs about Calvin being a dick before she needed to pivot to writing songs about Hiddle’s... dick.

Does Tom look like a man full of regret in that picture? I feel like he looks like a man who is rethinking every life choice he has ever made in that picture.

That’s exactly what I said in a previous comment! Moreover, doesn’t this mean that she’ll have to introduce him to Seleenas once the concert is over? PR or not, I LEGIT would not want to meet a bf’s friends after two weeks of real/fake dating.

And his past rumored relationships seemed more chill and grown up. This is just weird.

I think the off-brand thing is really itching me.

I feel like going to a Selena Gomez concert (because she’s your gf’s bestie) is something you do after a few months of dating, not a couple weeks. If it IS real, then damn, Taytay. you’ve got him good. For a guy who loves music from past decades and/or a generation that he doesn’t even belong to, it must be true love

Personally, I feel like supermodels was a term given to the models of the early 90s - Christy, Naomi, Helena, Tyra, Stephanie, Cindy, etc. So, no, Kendall and Gigi are not supermodels. Seriously, though, have you seen Gigi’s walk? Go find a video of it. Then find a video of Naomi’s walk. That’s the difference between

Shut up Kendal. The only reason you’re a “model” is because you’re related to the Kardashians. Just bask in your luck and stop whining about perceived slights.

Yeah, it’s so transparently thirsty and I think that’s my issue with this. That, and they’ve somehow managed to become insufferable together in the span of a week!

I found him charming and cute until I realized that he does the same dance move and the same impressions on every media appearance and it just started to feel really trying-too-hard to me.

At least Cumberbatch wasn’t thirsty when he got married.

Taylor has managed to neutralize any lust that I have ever had for Tom.

You put all my thoughts into one beautiful paragraph. It’s desperation and it’s tacky.

I really don’t want to but... I’m judging him so hard.