
I was 13-14 in the mid-70s, and I got a lot of attention from grown men. I was thrilled by it. Boys my age either ignored me, barked at me, or called me names. Adult men talked to me like I was a person, admired me, complemented me. At the time, it was bliss, and I felt it made me special. And thanks mainly to a lack

Are we not going to talk about how they cut Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander? Awkward as hell!

Why can’t men accept impotence as what it so very clearly is? God’s will for them.

I like this woman’s approach; if they want Big Government sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If they’re gonna govern by Sharia, let’s be equally absurd and draconian for both sexes.

My 11w baby totally started smiling and cooing when I played this song, which goes to show that there is no accounting for good taste when it comes to babies.

My goofball husband puts on socks, then tshirt, then dances around so his dick can wiggle. He calls it “pooh-bearing,” I call it “shirtcocking.”

voted twice. i am a modern woman. i contain multitudes. i cannot be defined by only one of the game’s hashtags.

It’s about time she appropriated White culture.

From the point of view of someone in medicine, it’s just going to waste doctors’ time and add to fear of doing abortions. I don’t know it if will change women’s minds, or if it’s even intended to, but if you slap enough fines onto laws regarding doing abortion procedures wrong, pretty soon some doctors will just give

Ok. So Kayne is a musical genius some say.

The father probably feels like he could be helping others by sharing his regret. I am not sure how much it will help, but if it makes him feel better in this awful time, why not?

Coldplay was a poor choice. Bey and Bruno seemed to be brought in to save the show, but couldn’t.
They could have made it an all-California show with Metallica, and re-united NWA AND GnR. THAT would have been a halftime show.

Eh, Prince could have rocked the house at 10:00AM. Nobody on that stage was a showstopper. They all sucked.

My favorite has been, still is, and probably always will be Prince playing Purple Rain in the Rain.

It didn’t help that it was still sunny out. The Super Bowl shouldn’t be played in the sun, and the halftime show is definitely a night time thing.

The whole thing sucked. That level of talent and not one of them shined. That’s what happens when there is no real “act” and just a bunch of supporters to the previous on stage.

Yeah, I was really unimpressed. I didn’t expect much from Coldplay but the entire show semed like a silly letdown. (In fairness, I suspect there might have been something there for people excited about Beyoncé’s new single, but I’m an iffy fan at best and that wasn’t enough for me.)

I cannot even count how many Superbowl Half Time shows I have seen, upwards of 35 and this is bar none the worst ever. Not Beyonce, not Bruno Mars, not Coldplay, it was the melding of all of them. It was lackluster, stupid and desperate.

Yep. Look what happened to Mo’nique when she stood up for herself.

No they don’t. But he’s totally within his rights to speak on this. And what he’s saying is 100% true. He’s being supportive and coming from a place of marginalization himself as a black person in our society. The idea that he should just keep quiet on this strikes me as really counter-productive. A black actor can