
Very nice of you to leave out the fact that Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richard’s daughter works for Clinton and Planned Parenthood has donate to Hillary’s in the past (sorta to Bernie’s point about being apart of the DNC establishment)...but cool story.

At this point Madonna has transformed herself into the Hardest Try-Hard That Ever Tried. Hard.

Because speaking up is worthless when you are LITERALLY CAPABLE OF CHANGING THE GAME YOURSELF YET YOU STILL DON’T. Because it’s completely hypocritical.

He only SPEAKS in support of diversity in long as he doesn’t actually have to make diverse films.

HE WOULD BE PERFECT. Curse you for putting this vision in my head that will never be realized

If they go for another male actor (crushing my dreams of seeing Tamsin Grieg play the Doctor as an ennui-riddled ex-punk rocker rediscovering that fire of youth through her Companion), my vote for the next Doctor is Richard Aoyade. Smart, funny, adorably dorky, cute as hell, and as a talented writer and film maker he

If I’m being honest I’m glad he won’t be Bond; 007 is a dead horse - anachronistic is an understatement.

Idris Elba- Beast of No Nation and Michael B. Jordan, Creed spring to mind immediately. All the nominees for one of the biggest black-led films of the year went to the white people. Straight Outta Compton was NOT a big movie because of the white guys. It was about a big movie because people wanted to see this

But there were parts played by POCs this year that deserved to be recognized. Idris Elba got both SAG and Golden Globe nominations for his work in Beasts of No Nation. He definitely deserves the nod more than Christian Bale does for his work in The Big Short.

Bless your heart.

A lot of people of colour deserving of nominations did not get them. A lot of white people undeserving of nominations got them. And there is already very slim pickings for artists of colour in Hollywood. The system is rigged against people of colour and the Academy made clear oversights.

As an MMJ often times you will use photos from a tablet or phone because the quality is just as good and you don’t have to have a whole photographer set up. Media outlets are notoriously cheap and it wouldn’t surprise me if this was the case here. We are learning this stuff in journalism school right now. It’s not

Meanwhile Hollywood says they just can’t find enough people of color for movies and they keep throwing Rousey no acting ass in movies. It wasn’t like Rousey was the most likable person, and got her ass handed to her the last time we saw her. Viola Davis called them out and they keep trying to shove people like Rousey

Are reporters at these things not allowed to take videos/pictures?

They do. Remember the Renner hate? He was a darling and now he gets so much hate. It’s just less common for men. And it usually doesn’t last as long as it does for women.

Peak White Feminism in a movie.

Well, photos are necessary for a story.

No. But her privilege does not entitle her to condescending, rude behavior.

I honestly wish we’d stop referring to criticism of another woman as “tearing each other down.” Jennifer was rude. Period. People were expressing their opinions. That doesn’t mean people hate her or that people wish her ill. They’re just expressing an opinion that she’s not even required to listen to, or consider at

So, being a bitch to a foreign reporter is OK if you’re beautiful, wildly successful, popular, and talented?