pandorasmittens version 3.0

I’m single and want to rent until I marry (especially since I travel for work a lot), so not quite your situation. I just removed $11,000 for a car down payment, but wanted to make sure I had at least $6000 left. It’s not much, but it can help with emergency travel, car issues, and can get me though a little over a

What point? I made many points. This piece made many (inarticulate) points. If there’s a discussion to be had, ummm, elaborate, plz?

I mean, isn’t it the other way around? If she wasn’t whored out for attention by her family, she wouldn’t have been featured on the show that made her “famous”.

I’ve lost a lot of people to cancer in my life, but I still thought this was a much needed laugh. So, thanks!

She doesn’t have to save us, because we failed her. We bought into nearly three decades of shit levied against her and her family. She bought into it to the degree that she thought that if she played along she’d be fine. But then politicians had to be “cool”.

At least there’s this:

She shouldn’t be deported. Her life is here, her children are here, and she’s paid (through taxes) for the services she receives.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: We need to stop with this why aren’t you doing MOOORRRREE attitude, especially when it comes to people like SJ who don’t really have a say in these things. Especially because the way these questions are framed, there is nothing she could have said that would have a) corrected

And dude, you’re not special for having status. At every hotel I stay at, on every flight I’m on, I can guarantee that at minimum half of the people on your plane or in your hotel also have the same status, and yet they manage not to be dicks about it.

But the important question is, who will be Phoebe (From Another School)?

Maybe I’m wrong, but I highly doubt your extraordinary ability to be highly defensive about comments made on a blog you insist you have read for nearly eight years is the ONLY thing you’re extremely defensive about in life. People that come off like well, angry, defensive jerks don’t tend to attract the best people.


I responded to the wrong commenter, but I mentioned that it is completely within the bounds of appreciate this type of story and the resistance and plight of Offred.

It actually makes sense. The type of subjugation that is referenced in the book and presumedly the series is regarded as disgusting in that “faith”.

Because they want to get reelected by the nut jobs that voted for them. That’s it.They can say they tried, and that the liberal courts undermined their true Christian values, and their constituents will lap it up like dogs and toilet water. Reality doesn’t matter to people that dictate their alleged values on fantasy.

That is called an invitation to a write up, or worse. The OP makes a massive point that many women work in industries where they are more or less disposable (retail/ foodservice) or essential (nursing). The former will cut you loose in a heartbeat. If you don’t show up to the latter, people DIE.

I truly don’t get how people who equate their own love of teams with personal experiences are shitting on you for...equating your love of a team with personal experiences.

As many people have mentioned, a giant “fuck Pence!” would have hurt more than helped. There are a hell of a lot of folks on the fence about this administration, and that, instead of energizing them, would have sent them running in the opposite direction into complacency. But hey, a bunch of Internet commenters would

Damnit, Glenn!!!!

She sang one of her largest hits that even to a community outside of the LGBTQAI community, has still became synonymous with it. She has put her money where her mouth is with her personal advocacies.