It doesn’t matter. The people that “needed to be offended” would have (and have already) written her off. Her saying anything would have had zero effect on people outside of the echo chamber here that is now crying that she didn’t do enough.
It doesn’t matter. The people that “needed to be offended” would have (and have already) written her off. Her saying anything would have had zero effect on people outside of the echo chamber here that is now crying that she didn’t do enough.
She doesn’t owe us anything. I find it interesting that we have comments peppered with critique for a woman that sang a fucking gay anthem on the Super Bowl stage. Are we really that petty?
As someone that spent most of their adult life in New England, I get the hate, only because our hatred of New York eclipses it.
I spend a good chunk of time in Kansas on business and this surprises me not at all.
Well, everything I’ve seen says that their main argument is that the two states that brought the lawsuit (Minnesota and Washington) cannot reliably demonstrate any adverse results of the ban. Also, that a court would not have enough security Intel to be able to discern a threat. So, it’s a little more complicated…
I can’t find any inofrmation of a requirement of that nature in any state. The CDC releases a document that details mandated reporting of live births, miscarriages, and ITOP (intentional termination of pregancy). ITOP data is usually collected after 20 weeks, well after when most abortions occur. However, ITOP data…
She was an amazing athlete. If she had skated in the era of Mao Asada, she may have had a chance. But the attitude, man. As someone that learned how to lose on a national level, lose with dignity. You got the fucking silver. It’s devastating you didn’t get the gold. Throw your little tantrum at home.
What happened to Kerrigan was disgusting. However, she definitely gave off an air of entitlement to that gold afterwards. The only person I’ve seen that pouted worse was Suria Bonaly (sp?).
My senator is Al Franken, and he makes his positions very clear. I still emailed (calling is nuts now) to thank him for what he is doing. Sometimes we forget that our elected officials are people with families and friends and the same fears about their jobs as us. Encouraging them and providing that positive…
Ugh. Last time I was in Nordstrom I saw this line of perfect patent flats. Style I like, colors, everything. I picked one up with the intent to ask an associate to grab my size, and I saw the Trump label.
It’s been super mild this year (yay, climate change!), but yeah, the tundra acts up in January-March.
So, does that mean her parents will have to hold and cuddle the brainless, spineless, faceless, or dying fetus that is born as a result? Because I’m betting that if these men or parents had to hold a baby without a face, they’d be haunted by their actions for the rest of their lives.
HIPA would apply, but it may take YEARS for that court challenge to see itself out.
The Upper Midwest (aka MN and IL) are great as well! I hope that Canada will annex us at some point. We already have the accent. And MN has the largest Somalian refugee populations. We’re not just flyover, folks!
Because both of them want to be the de facto option in 2020 and their followers universally are unwilling to see their blind ambition.
AKA, the Please Elect Me in 2020 Because I am a Leader debate. Election year, much like Christmas, seems to come more quickly every year.
People Are Dumb and Petty: The 2016 Election
Yeah, I don’t recommend full on doomsday planning, but people should be aware and prepared for their food and goods to become more expensive at the least and more scarce at the worst.
The people that can stop this are GOP constituents. Living in a conservative area in a (thankfully) blue state, I’ve done the whole hearts and minds thing by appealing to a community sensibility or to individual values. Some people are more receptive to constructive conversation than we think. Volunteer for local…
Take care of yourself and your family/ friends. It sounds bleak, but people who are only concerned with ramming through their own personal agenda don’t give a shit about your protests, your calls, or your outrage. They care about keeping their jobs, and that means toeing the line until it’s convenient not to.