But doesn’t it feel so good to be morally superior, all alone on that high horse?
But doesn’t it feel so good to be morally superior, all alone on that high horse?
Look at how fucking angry people are here for people having the temerity to point out that sometimes, as white women, we don’t know what to do or how to help. You can’t tell me to listen and ask and then get indignant when I do those things because I’m now allegedly looking for a magic minority friend. I was…
No. We have to cry like fucking babies because despite everyone getting a cookie, some people only had two raisins in theirs and others had four.
Dude. STAHP. Fuck being nice, amirite?
There are so many people that get it. When I got your abortion, the counselor (who bore an eerie resemblance to Eva Gabor) gave me a piece of paper that had some medical bullshit on it. She said “yeah I have to give this to you and you need to sign that you read it, but I can still tell you it’s 100% wrong.”
Okay. Clearly you are not interested in civil discussion here. The Gag comment illustrates that there are issues that affect nearly all women worldwide and yet, here we are, yelling on the Internet because it makes people feel better to tell others to take seats. And yeah, I don’t think that my alleged painting of…
Listen. I made a neutral comment. I never said I was offended. I actually pointed out thay sometimes listening is key. I was merely artuculating why some people feel the way they do, just as you have. No judgement, just observation. I respect your thoughts around these parts.
This should be tattooed on the forehead of every alleged progressive that fucked up by voting their “conscience.”
One of my favorite scenes in TRAPPED was when a doctor read off the “abortion causes breast cancer” litany and immediately followed it with “they can make me say that, but they can’t prevent me from giving my medical opinion, and my medical opinion is there is not one shred of evidence that statement is true.”
Honestly, the best way I can articulate it is that it feels like when my parents would tell me that if I brought home an A, I could bring home an A+ next time, while ignoring the good grade. Add on if they hypothetically also said “stop trying for that A+; it’s not your place” and that’s the general feel at times.
But see, we don’t like Taylor because she’s apparently everything wrong with white America or something.
I made this comment that as well. The significance being that the pats now hold the record for SB appearances. You’d think a sports blogger could get this shit right.
I’m sure you mean New England’s NINTH Super Bowl appearance, not its seventh. It’s the seventh with Brady.
Melanie Lynskey is an underrated talent. She was unsettling yet sympathetic in Heavenly Creatures, and he’ll, everyone in Ever After deserves a golf clap.
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve driven past signs in the countryside saying:Get US out of the United Nations!
Yeah. when people in ANTARCTICA are protesting/ rallying, it means Trump is an affront to humanity, not that his supporters are poor. Also we already know that poor people generally voted Clinton. It was the gun toting suburbanite with a decent income that broke Trump.
And many Trump voters probably only voted because his was the name on the GOP ticket. They hate the man, but a Republican Congress is better than a Democratic one in their minds.