pandorasmittens version 3.0

Which is probably sage advice! Basically their commentariat has it out with many of the female staff—especially if they write articles about gender observations and equality. It goes to show that even self professed progressive men aren’t above misogyny.

I love The Atlantic, but MAN is their comment section a cesspool.

I’ve been replaying the Skyrim sspecial edition to do the DLC side quests, and I’ve found that I accidentally trigger FP in battles while I’m using a spell, and it drives me INSANE.

And thanks to autocorrect, it didn’t even properly illustrate my sins. FFXII was my completion fantasy, not FFVII

I’m willing to give leniency to people today that found that denial and bargaining didn’t work for them. It’s rough to see a bad dream become reality.

I’m a woman and not necessarily a completionist. There’s only one game where I actually went balls to the wall and that was ::flame suit donned:: FFVII. Other than that, I care about getting through the game at an adequate level, especially when a lower level or equipment makes the game more of a challenge.

In general, I like the writers on this site, but I’m not certain they have the chops to force satire when there’s little to no material with which to work. I get what they were trying to do; it was just executed extremely poorly.

And let’s be real: Who WOULDN’T want to attend an inauguration? Granted, I’m a sucker for a good speech and a parade, but I’d think most people would like the opportunity to witness the transition of power in the United States.

They already have. The header photo from his Twitter account is of the crowd at the 2013 inauguration.

Because traditionally, every (living) former president and first lady are there. Everyone is there today with the exception of HW and Barbara, as he is very ill at the moment.

I’ll bite.

I’ll bite.

This has nothing, NOTHING to do with her English. It has everything to do with an appointed office that has historically been utilized for the promotion of social good.

Slightly OT, BUT I wonder about how the role of First Lady will degenerate over the next few years.

This is one of those scenarios where even the most cynical person can get why having Kanye at any event isn’t such a good idea given his track record. So if you want to spin it, just say he’s unpredictable. Hell, I’d even take a wishy washy “his genre is not a good fit for this occasion” which, while a loaded answer

Ha! My guess is that the signal is a tiny bespectacled songbird.

I agree with you, which is why I responded in this thread. The rest of the comment section seems to be more entertained with trying to figure out if Bill Clinton committed a crime and whether or not poor Monica will be okay reliving this.

*where, damnit, not were

For everyone that’s going on about poor Monica Lewinsky that knowingly participated in an affair and kept physical specimens to prove her point, it’s interesting that no one has mentioned Hillary or Chelsea now getting to relive yet another dramatized version of this shit over 20 years later, on the tail of a

Off topic, but since everyone is already crying about the topic at hand, I feel comfortable diverting.