pandorasmittens version 3.0

I am really embarrassed to admit this, but I’ve known about this case for a while... from Dr. Phil (I home office, and it can be entertaining background noise).

It’s an easy concept: Right to life ends when another person’s body is utilized against their will. I have to donate blood, marrow and tissue voluntarily; police can’t show up to my house, throw me in a paddy wagon, strap me down, and take it—even if my refusal means someone else dies.

If you don’t believe in bodily autonomy, you’re not a feminist.


Kesha may have made plenty a party anthem, but she’s never struck me as a person that beckons for tabloid attention.

By all accounts, pretty much every account of people that have met the Bushes report how much they like them. I disagree with nearly all of HW and W policies and I’m not going to revise history to pretend they didn’t have negative impacts in many cases, but I refuse to believe they’re evil incarnate.

And people don’t NEED this. Who absolutely cannot live a productive, happy life unless they see ____ show or film? It’s a luxury, just like a manicure, a bag, or a muscle car. And it’s a cheap one at that. Most Amazon and iTunes episodes of shows run $.99 or $1.99 each. Half of the older games you can download are

Unless I can search it up on YouTube for free, I pay for it. Our culture is very acclimated towards deeming luxuries as needs—no one needs to watch their shows. I complain about the cost of things like any other person, but if I can’t afford it, I try to budget it in or go without. No one ever died because they

STOP THAT, WITH YOUR NUANCE AND FACTS. We’re here to shit on a bunch of little girls for not solving the ills of the world!

You know, many people (and notably, our last democratic presidential candidate) have spent an inordinate amount of time in their careers trying to enforce and ensure the right of EVERY CHILD of every race, religion, socioeconomic status, and ability under the sun to attend a good school. Because they know that true

God, every time I see that man delivering a smack down I feel so full of pride that he’s my senator.

It was really a case study in what we’re finding more and more with the left, and what was illustrated in the primaries especially: There is a very specific subset of self described “progresive” that believes that economic inequality and a living wage are the ONLY problems impeding a more equitable society. For this

Let’s be real. If she was not a transwoman, she’d be left for her entire sentence, and very few people would care, government or no. But she became a figurehead of more than one social movement, so I guess her crimes are okay now?

This. I’ve got into way too many arguments that consisted of yelling at a wall. I live in a VERY white, VERY evangelical area and there is no reasoning with people whose entire life philosophy is built around abandoning reason in favor of their own feelings.

I was rereading bell hook’s “killing rage” this very night and this quote is referenced numerous times.

I remember a South Park episode that was half a Mighty Ducks lampoon and half of a Schneider lampoon, and the Schneider films were eerily accurate in regards to his commitment to crappy films.

I recently reread Hard Choices and It Takes a Village. Melania knew how to proposition a rich man to get a green card. The disparity between the two is so unsettling, to say nothing of our other first ladies.

I mentioned below that I read Your Movie Sucks when I need a little levity in this world.

I bought this book as soon as it came out, and there are SO MANY gems in it. Like when Ebert described Twilight 2 as “driving a tractor in low gear through a sullen sea of Brylcreem.”

Why a research paper when Breitbart can craft one for him? I heard something about a pizza joint!