Slightly OT, but I think A LOT of people didn’t know about John Lewis until Trump, and that’s an affront against our government and our history as a country.
Slightly OT, but I think A LOT of people didn’t know about John Lewis until Trump, and that’s an affront against our government and our history as a country.
“Schneider was nominated for a 2000 Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor, but lost to Jar-Jar Binks.”—Roger Ebert
She does. She’s in this. She deserves our judgement as she is now a role model to which children will look up to throughout history. She deserves to be held to a higher standard and that includes being called out for being background scenery.
Think of what Courtney could do! Weird faces, attention grabs, hell, I in my heart of hearts believe that she would promote a cause for which she was passionate as much as possible.
At this point, I’d take Courtney. She keeps it “rill.”
It’s an accurate statement. It’s not my fault that a woman potentially colluded in the deaths of 49 people and the wounding of countless others.
Or I could mean “within the realm of most people on this site that were actually alive”.
I’ve received death threats in person for being my damn self. It’s pretty sad that it’s the new normal, but yeah, she doesn’t exactly engender shock from me.
It’s really sad, because every first lady has not only been poised and educated, but has worked actively on their platform. I hate “just say no” with the fury of a thousand suns, but that campaign still came from a genuine if misguided heart. Hillary Clinton was probably the most influential first lady in modern…
Umm, yes, it is. Considering the culture this man has propagated and continues to propagate, it is very much about me. This is what Milo does, and he’s not even remotely alone in the gay community. When you’ve been called a primadonna for conditioning your damn hair when a man full body waxes and more and thinks of it…
Every time I think that there’s no way this could be any more of a dumpster fire, I am proven horribly wrong.
A middle school talking about a learning disability doesn’t mean she’s automatically divorced from reality.
I may get flamed for this, but we really need to address the misogynist tendencies in the gay (male) community. Thriving off of stereotypical female behaviors, emulating them, and then subsequently denigrating the straight, lesbian, or bi women that may display them is disgusting.
It’s really something. There are tons of artists (mostly country) that probably voted for this tool and when even THEY won’t be associated with him, that’s rough.
I cling to the heartening info that there will be six times as many busses full of protesters and marchers than there will be of attendees.
Late to the party, but UGH.
Or Helena Bonham Carter, who actually did a pretty good interpretation of the Burton years.
Which if it had happened today would be hailed around these parts as an “inspired” casting choice.
No. As long as corporations are owned by, in some cases, thousands of shareholders, many of whom have absolutely nothing to do with “Wall Street”. I guess my poorly worded point is that big business is so much more than Goldman Sachs, and there will never be a way to divorce it from the political and legislative…
Thank you SO MUCH for still being around. Sometimes I just want to watch folks squirm and learn more about tomato species, and you just keep giving. Never change.