pandorasmittens version 3.0

I’m all for simplicity, but isn’t this a good time to provide that additional background? Because we’ve just lived through the results of people over simplifying to the point of inaccuracy. PP v. Casey is a major decision, in many ways more so than Roe. And it’s a straightforward ruling, so it’s not as if a person

Minor quibble, but our existing state structures and limitations are actually the result of Planned Parenthood v. Casey, not of Roe. Casey set the precedent that states can make individual limitations on abortion access, providing they do not create an “undue burden on the woman”. It is this precedent that is used to

Just look at Texas. In the years it took to get the TRAP laws repealed, incidences of injuries or death resulting from botched home abortions rose by over 200%. And this was in less than four years.

Oh, aren’t you precious.

And admitting that so much of those issues that allegedly made Hillary an “embattled” candidate are far less severe than or identical to issues of pretty much any other politician—including Bernie Sanders—is what makes it sexist. And it’s what makes a “conscientious voter” look like a damn moralizing fool that has

No, but you don’t understand, you see! Hillary is a corporate shill that abandoned the American people to the status quo and if only she and the DNC saw the blinding, white, male light then the world would be a better place! She didn’t rail hard enough! She wasn’t Elizabeth Warren! She didn’t force the electors hands!


There needs to be a Meryl post. NOW. Woman just made CNN with that speech.

Because at its heart it’s only watchable because of the acting?

We expect basic facts, not searing hot takes that completely ignore reality. That’s what Breitbart is for. It’s nonsense, and you know it.

::insert applause gif::

If you are sarcastically correcting my grammar, you are 100% correct and that’s what I get for commenting on my phone in the airport bar.

They’re making a really stupid, really inarticulate, and mostly incorrect generalization about the editorial direction of this site because they care far more about pointing out Jezebel’s hypocrisies than about the victim of this horrible attack. They could give two shits about the young man subjected to at least 24

Liberal people in general seem to really underestimate the number of women voters motivated solely by religious reasons, abortion being at the top of the list. Every woman I know that voted GOP or Johnson in the election a) is born-again, and b), only voted that way because they are self described “pro-life”.

Thank you for being the one to call this out. This isn’t only mansplaining to a gay woman in the general sense, but someone who—let’s face it—will NEVER be in the situation of Ellen Degeneres, saying what they hypothetically should have done. Ellen’s audience is as unflappingly polite as she is by and large; if she

Fucking sickening. That poor man.

And Nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them, give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time...

Jim Marshall scored a touchdown for the other team by running across the entire damn field into into the wrong endzone. It’s widely regarded as one of the worst plays in football history. It makes the Sanchez butt fumble look like a runner up on America’s Funniest Home Videos. And I say this as a Minnesotan.

I mean yeah, is it easy to sing those high notes in 40 degrees? Nope. Did she do a proper warmup? Probably not. But this isn’t exactly the first time she’s been...underwhelming...singing live. The older you get the more your voice changes. Admit it, and move on, girl.

It’s happened with multiple writers, and I get defending yourself or being flippant to people that are being combative or purposely trolling. And yet, those comments get plenty of airtime and not nearly the level of derision as a comment that either respectfully disagrees or adds another point to the conversation.