pandorasmittens version 3.0

That’s sad, because as others have pointed out, you added positively to the discussion. No one shouldn’t feel it’s not their “place” to comment on an article in a community that honestly only survives because of the thoughtful commentariat.

I can’t handle United. Or American or US Air. Something ALWAYS goes wrong. Delta is my jam.

I love Delta. They’re the only airline I’ve flied where I’ve never had a late flight ( they’re routinely early), never had a cancellation or luggage issue, and the flight attendants are always super nice. And I fly VERY frequently. On shorter flights, a lot of the time the flight attendants will give you free booze

You mean like the many other people on this post and others that are berating commenters that don’t agree with them, posting threads of their alleged argumentative nature? You’re absolutely correct. People are shitting on each other on both sides here and NEITHER side is helpful or kind.

On that vein, couldn’t you also argue that some people grieve and cope by trading in hyperbole, in black humor, and by rationalizing that which some people do not rationalize? What makes people falling over in tears over an individual they’ve never met better than someone that can mourn the loss of their contribution

Really? Empathy and realism are not mutually exclusive. It’s devastating that a family has to lose both of their matriarch within two days. If I had to lose a mother and grandmother (or reversed for father and grandfather) in rapid succession, I don’t know how I’d have the strength, if indeed I ever would. Poor Billie

I really respect and like your contributions around these parts, but I’ll have to disagree on this one.

Poor Gary Fisher, poor Billie, poor us.

It’s infuriating. I respect the spectrum of belief in our system. But this is our system. Voting for a non viable third party, writing in Harambe, or not voting won’t change it. Blocking the interstate to protest won’t change it. It is what it is, and our great strength as a human society has not come when we

I am absolutely with you. My largesse isn’t even with the right. At least they let you know who they are. My problem is with folks on the left that will deify Obama (who I love] without realizing that his policies are far more centrist than Clintons. Where do people think the fight for universal care started? And

THANK YOU. This interview got the desired effect: Democrats and progressives are once again yelling at each other instead of the enemy. And we fall for it every damn time. Grow up and suck up, folks.

If your public career began with voters citing your inability to change your name to your husbands and that you wear ugly owl glasses with mousy brown hair as a reason they voted out the HUSBAND? Yeah, that’s sexism. People seem really determined not to see misogyny.

A) Merry Christmas!

Why do people not get this? Yeah I know what they believe. How many people know why, straight from the horses mouth? It’s a fucking documentary, not a manifesto.

Speaking for Central MN here: People absolutely WOULD do that in some areas.

I had a very large ladyboner for Tommy, so was willing to suffer through Zed. Even through that questionable first film! But, yeah, the show lost steam after Rita.

Does that make Zed Putin?

OH. MY GOD. Rita really was a comical bitch, wasn’t she?

Hey now! If George Washington didn’t chop down that cherry tree, how would we have found an honest general?

Isn’t that the kind of shit that would get you thrown INTO one of these alleged camps? I mean, if I remember fascism correctly.