pandorasmittens version 3.0

I’m so late to the party, but I had to respond to Tea With Tati. 

Yeah, amongst the “fuck white women” blaming going on amongst the left, we seem to have forgotten that he actually captured FEWER of them than in previous elections. Hillary captured a good chunk of them.

Starring because THANK YOU. It couldn’t have been put better.

Yeah this guy did it. In cold blood. With no remorse. With no understanding of refraining from that crime in the future. Does anyone honestly think that the old “it costs more in appeals” will apply here? It won’t. He’s a waste of air and he deserves to die.

I can’t believe that it’s taken this long for people to attempt to refrain from taking the bait. If you want to hear yourself talk about an issue, you can do it without engaging the troll, people. This isn’t old Jezebel where we got stars.

Because, for all your good intentions, you responded to a known troll that doesn’t give a shit about your rationalizations?

Well, I was never cat called, followed by vans, screamed at, or physically threatened until I moved to a major city on the coast, despite living and working in large Midwestern cities as well. See how these anecdotes work?

I responded to the comment of the OP, not the article. But regardless of the diverted funds, there have been a boatload of comments on this post alone that showcase that the Brooklyn office ignored the middle states, assuming victory. Some of that was polling error. Some of it was also flat out taking shit for

Well, is Chicago flyover country? Omaha? Minneapolis? Kansas City? Madison? St. Louis? Hell, even fucking DES MOINES has its fair share of liberals. I could go on forever. These cities in many cases vote overwhelmingly blue, and in many cases have stronger social programs and educatonal programs than many coastal

Yes and no. I mean, I left for a reason as well and spend plenty of time denigrating the less savory aspects of my homeland. But a lot of people don’t leave because of family, education, work, and a genuine love of where they are.

And the fact that people equate the middle of the country with hillbilly is a contributing factor to why they don’t really give a damn.


Why the heck are you gray?

If you really gave a shit about the fetus, women that have abortions would face jail time in addition to their physicians. But to do so would also compromise all of the good Christian women that had abortions, not those slutty, heathen women that did so.

I wish I wasn’t grey so I could bump you up. Please take my star, instead. It’s very disheartening that Wonder Woman. is becoming a source of outcry when there are far more insidious issues here.

Very true. I am so white as to be translucent, reside in the upper Midwest, and this song gets played to death on our area radio stations and in stores. It’s like asking, “Hey, POC! Have you ever heard ‘Christmas Shoes’, the official white people song of the devil?”

Yeah, but I only have it on VHS, and it really sucked to have to change to the second tape in the middle. Also, I am lazy.

Someone really needs to make the Harry Potter fanfic movie we deserve with younger, sexier, non snake Voldemort sexing up Bellatrix.

Yeah, I’m not on board with this “why aren’t they doing MOOORRRREE” narrative, especially considering that many of us couldn’t do the bare minimum for them: Get out and vote.

Someone else also mentioned it elsewhere, but I truly believe that many progressives (especially younger ones) would prefer to be the raging underdog than actualize the moral compromise that comes with being in control. There is some sad comfort to be had in continuously espousing a victim mentality, to creating an