pandorasmittens version 3.0

Welp, if you are who I think you are, you’ve spent plenty of time in the country’s most Catholic state in it’s largest city. A state that gets more or.less that the Church making these sentiments are in fact, a very big deal. But please, continue the hyperbole.

Not shitting you, they get married, he gets her pregnant, and the last line of the series is a throwaway about how they can tell their fetus “likes sex already”.

I for one am happy to see you trolling and well. There’s a certain comfort and je ne sais quois about it. I mean, its not as if you’re not completely obvious. And with the increased hand wringing around these parts lately, the stream of agitated responses to an obvious point designed to inflame are a welcome

I honestly think it’s guilt to a certain degree. This community in and of itself positioned itself on a progressive high horse in the Democratic primary and beyond, took Trump lightly just like SNL—which they now deride for having done so—and NOW we’re all activists? NOW we’re all “hey, there was someone else that was

As much as it pains me to say, people need to get the fuck over this electors bullshit, and the recount bullshit and start focusing on surviving the next four years.

It’s the next analogy question on the SAT!

Martha has never, EVER steered me wrong. Even if it’s for flavor only, I trust her benevolent, Snoop-Approved judgement.

It’s not even accurate. Poor people voted for HRC. You know who voted for Trump? Middle to upper middle class white people that live in communities with HOAs; people that stockpile forearms for a threat that doesn’t exist in their area, and bloviate about the lack of the jobs they would never do. It drives me nuts.

Meh, Dump didn’t get any more of the white woman vote than any other GOP candidate. He actually got FEWER. White college educated women that broke traditionally GOP voted for HRC. I’m sick of people blaming the individuals that actually bothered to show up at the polls instead of the two key demographics that didn’t.

It’s the Miss USA pageant. I find it EXTREMELY ironic that she would choose to compete in the Miss USA circuit, given the owner of the pageant. It’s either subversive or tone deaf.

Close it down, folks. We have a winner.


By the words on the sign, it’s also something truly awful in how women are still considered diseased trash bags, and how the absolute worst insult to this day, is to call a man a woman or to call a woman a whore. That shits been going on far longer than the water crisis.

On that vein, and on the Russian vein, look no further than the Russian team skate from the last Olympics. There was a skater (name please) that did one of the most beautiful routines EVER to...Schindler’s List. It wasn’t insensitive, it wasn’t tone deaf; it was her and the music and it was beautifully done.

I’m a bit of a skating nerd, and it reminds me of an Olympic routine from Maria Anassina and Gwendal Pesserat of France (probably misspelled). They won the gold with a routine that was interspersed with MLK quotes. While it was regarded as controversial and somewhat nonsensical since the music itself was Beethoven,

You know, just because you LIKE something and CAN do something in an alleged homage to it without understanding the obvious irony of the situation as reflected in modern times doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

I Googled “8 point origami flower” and went to town. I’d suggest using written instructions with photos instead of the videos, though. That way you can go back and reference steps more easily. It took about three before I got enough hang of it to do it without instructions.

At least it’s not gilded.

Thanks! It took about eight hours per shadowbox to fold, then another hour or so per box to position and hot glue the flowers. The 8 point flower isn’t too difficult of a fold, but it’s really tedious.

Yeah, that response is cheeky and in perfect alignment with the spirit of the game. And once they come out with the invetiible Election 2016 Expansion Pack, you know everyone here will fawn over it.