pandorasmittens version 3.0

I’ve found its super helpful in the competitiveness regard. My social circle and family are those people that love spending parties with Trivial Pursuit, Bridge, Pictionary, Monopoly, etc. They’re fun games but anyone that’s got three hours into Monopoly knows that if you’re meeting new people or want your cousin to

393 origami flowers later, I’ve completed my living room piece. It’s three of these 20 x 26 shadow boxes to hang over my couch. Took forever, but it adds a nice touch of color.

It’s really a damn shame. And it’s a shame that our collective population has an attention span so small that we couldn’t get outraged about both at once.

Whatever, I like Cards Against Humanity. It’s easy, it’s fun, and it helps break the ice at parties where not everyone knows one another, or where it’s largely small cliques of friends, couples, etc.

Ooh, as a Minnesotan, Ventura did PLENTY to screw us over in office. Mostly financially, but he managed to do it nonetheless. We redeemed ourselves in the Senate with Al Franken, but MAN, with Ventura, Bachmann, et. al., we were the butt of the joke for a while.

For Delta, it’s incorrigible. I usually have the best experiences with them, and I’m surprised they didn’t do anything.

It’s complete bullshit, but having lived through the bullshit of 2000 and 2004, I guess I’ve resigned myself. It’s more than likely going to happen, and if it doesn’t, we get a man a MILLION times more damaging in office instead.

Those are good points. My worry is that when the people who hear the incorrigible nonsense and bother to comment on it are denied access, then the story you hear on your local news will not be the WaPo’s great scoop. A lot of people think of the WaPo as a liberal propaganda tool and they won’t read it. If Joey

They really did! I’m not disputing that. The problem is that most people get their news from a local network affiluate instead of reading a newspaper they believe is a propaganda tool of the “liberal elite.” Those local affiliates ran with his dirty comments instead of things like this. It’s reprehensible that we

It’s beating a dead horse, but I don’t care. Where the hell was this shit before the election? The NYT, Newsweek, WaPo, etc did some damn good election reporting, and every major outlet ignoresd it just like they will likely ignore this. Why? Because they don’t want to face the suicide of having press credentials

Even IF that’s his alleged point...really dude? Hennessy is a Cognac that has been distilled for hundreds of years, and wasn’t even “marketed” to black people until rappers started mentioning the brand in lyrics. Same with Cadillac. Until the 90s, Caddys were much like Lincolns—quintessential old folk cars. They were

You mean the trust that is the funding overflow used to train Green Party candidates for office? Because that’s where the excess dough is going. This was in no way, shape, or form anything other than another way to get money. This has nothing to do with trust in the system, and is dragging out the inevitable. That’s

Umm, well there was a comment where I said the same thing, but also had the additional knowledge to qualify that Girls is somewhat autobiographical in nature. Maybe not in specific events, but in characterisation. But I guess thank you for saying what I already said? I do appreciate when people agree with my points.

It’s in quotations because it is nearly the first line of Girls, and the show is semi biographical in nature.

Yeah, I see her as this strain of generally wealthy people that confuse what their wealth can do. Being wealthy and privileged gives a person additional opportunities to call attention to the voices of people that are normally ignored. It provides financial resources for organizations that do good. It doesn’t mean

It’s really the truth. Is that morally right? Beats the bejeezus out of me. But “as someone who is extremely busy”, it’s easy to have sympathy for others when you interact with them, but most people are consumed with trying to see another, better sunrise than trying to solve the ills of the world.

There are a TON of people like this that have to continually push their progressive and oh so diverse street cred. It’s like an Internet comments section: “As the mother of a queer, gender nonconforming, autistic kid with disabilities...”, “as someone who is 1/8 Native American and half Tibetan...”, “As someone who is

I regret that I have but one star to give 🌟

It’s nice to know Univision has hopped on the merchandise train here. My The Onion coffee table book could use a Jezebel/ Deadspin complement.

Well, the writers here have a long and proud history of loving and then subsequently hating the (usually white) woman du jour. Way back in the day, we liked Anne Hathaway, but then I guess she “tried too hard”. Then JLaw was OMIGOD JUST LIKE US until apparently her realness wasn’t real enough. Amy Schumer, Lena