pandorasmittens version 3.0

Is she the only person that can trigger a recount? Because we’re in a hypothetical scenario where we MAY be able to recount votes and already on this site people are clamoring for her to do something as if she owes them.

Her incentive not to is because she doesn’t owe us a damn thing. If she does, and she doesn’t do it the “right” way, the left will chastise her. If she doesn’t, the left will chastise her.

How about we finally let a woman that has spent her career being abused in nearly equal measures by the right and the left do what she fucking wants?

I regret bringing you out, but YES.

And the snark is coming from a white woman with no children because hey right, she knows better than the unwashed woman that adopted a child?

Welp, as an adopted child it reminds me of the people that feel the need to preface “so your adopted parents” before everything. No. They are my parents. We do not share DNA. We’re all white, but we don’t look alike in the slightest. We have different social, health, and familial issues. But they’re my parents. Stop

My particular favorite is that if Davis held out for or expressed a preference for adopting a white child, she would have also been raked over the coals for not being universal enough to see past her alleged white supremacy to adopt a non white child. So, she’s evil for adopting a black child without being woke

Late to the party, but it’s worth responding to: In many big box stores like Target, there’s an aisle in the beauty section that was once labeled “ethnic hair” that has been re labeled “multicultural hair”. The products are specifically formatted for use on different textures and styles of hair, whereas the beauty

Very late to the party, but as I described below, the OP thought that this instance needed isn’t my jam, and I am a white as sin woman with hair that manages to be simultaneously  coarse, thin, dry at the ends, and oily at the crown. “Normal” hair shit doesn’t work or makes it worse.

I use a heavy duty leave in conditioner and it’s saved my life. My hair used to have the consistency of a Savers wig, and now it’s much closer to what I remember as a little girl.

I’d take the hair mag. Admittedly, I am a white woman with hair very similar to the cover model ( if I cut it a bit). It sucks to find hair products that work on very curly, coarse hair that is also inexplicably thin and gets oily around the crown. I’ve been side eyed more than once for being the white chick in the

Damn straight! I bought my apron, creme for my newly bare feet, and microfiber cleaning cloths today. I’m ready to make America great!

Trust me, I agree. I went to a Catholic school, was an altar girl, a lector, and all that jazz. All religious institutions contain oppressive ideologies, it’s not even remotely close to being okay. We have a LONG way to go, but then again so does every other damn religion.

Thank you. And really, what do people expect? It’s a religious institution. I grew up Catholic, and while this is nothing to many Catholics, it is a big something to many Catholics as well. For a devout person, being able to be “forgiven” by the priest that might have known them their entire life is a far more

I am getting REALLY TIRED of this, “but yeah, it’s just CASUAL misogynist behavior, it’s totally not LGBTAI rights or xenophobia or racism, you guys need to take a joke already” attitude, ESPECIALLY from folks that consider themselves “progressive.” Attitudes like this contribute to why over half of the world’s

Oh GOD, Mia.

Apologies for the late reply! I’m intermittent on here at best, but your point is a valid one.

Late to the party here, but I’m with you. I am smack dab in the middle of the upper Midwest in a town/ city where the average HOUSEHOLD income is about 45,000. The average individual income hovers around 32,0000. The only housing developments are luxury condos starting at $171,000, apartments starting at $1200/ month

I have to agree. HRC WAS a good candidate, and she would have been an amazing president because she gets politics. She spent her entire damn life breaking barriers to enter the very “system” for which she is now vilified for having entered.

The left needs to stop cannibalizing their own in some misguided purity test. I’m as left as can be, but I’ve been taking a long, hard look lately at how I think of others that I view as less educated, less progressive, and less intelligent than my social circle. And I honestly can’t say that I’ve treated those people