
I think part of it is knowing that your parents have your back despite the risks.

I am a rummy to the core-Alander is AWESOME rum, and I wouldn’t knock it when someone else suggested fucking HAVANA CLUB.

For what little its worth, I agree with you. The incoming left in Congress ARE inserting foot in mouth repeatedly (especially over Twitter, of all fucking places), and the left are all busy stumbling over themselves to attribute the backlash to old people enrolling in the Jelly School. We can say that her point is corr

Even parent your little ones, parents. A few months ago, parents with a one year old were next to me (I was the aisle seat), and the kid kept leaning over and grabbing my hair ...HARD. I tried to lean out as far as I could, but the mother just smiled and said “shes like that”. It wasn’t until the kid quite literally pu

Honestly, Jez has historically had one eyebrow raised with Bernie and most of the commenters are not and were never huge Bernie bros.

Karen was totally insufferable, especially in the 90s series. Remember when she stole Claudia’s earrings and totally let the housekeeper go down for theft? Not cool, Karen.

Dude, I stopped having a babysitter by second grade and babysat young kids when I was 11. No one I knew that was past third grade had (or would admit to having) a sitter and this was the 90s.

Yeah, I started reading them in kindergarten and got the BSC Club auto shipment through the Troll Book Club flyers until I was about 11. Even Martin transitioned to teen lit after her original characters and fans aged out”.

Old folks. They send back food for being “too hot” as if a batch cooked soup waiting to be ladled can be made cooler; they send back shit for being “too cold” ornot bland enough”; if they are on blood thinners they will ask you to turn on the heat on a humid, 80 degree day in a restaurant filled with other diners enj

Oh man, I worked fine dining for years and the sheer volume of folks that sent back 1/4 of a 4 lb lobster (a $120 entree at the time) or a prime cut of meat was baffling. And it was 20 times worse on amateur nights (Valentines, NYE) and the “first Wednesday of the month” (when welfare checks were distributed).

I presume so, because CFA and Culvers are the only fast food joints that seem to be populated with people that actually enjoy being there.

This is one of the reasons why I will never forgive Kevin Clash. Elmo was just a bit background puppet until the puppet was lireally thrown in Clash’s lap. Once Elmo hit the scene, it was over for the far superior Grover.

Salty didn’t really address it but LW did: From my time in fine dining, I’ve seen the expo or the runners ABSOLUTELY take someone else’s dish and run it, even if it is the biggest no no of all: An incomplete table. There is also the possibility that your GIRLFRIEND’S plate was taken and ran instead of yours.

And let’s not forget, no faithfully married Male service member (and CERTAINLY never the ASVAB washouts known as the Marines) has EVER cheated on his wife. Nope, doesn’t exist in MRA My Brother is Rambo fantasyman’s world.

The fucking Queen of England was a mechanic in the military for chrissakes.

The Academy is full of a metric ton of “wait...whut?” wins. I’m still bitter that freaking Slumdog Millionaire won the same year it was up against Frost/ Nixon, Milk, and The Wrestler.

Crash is by far the worst, but Slumdog is particularly egregious considering it was up against Frost/ Nixon, Benjamin Button, Milk, and The Wrestler. That actually WAS a good year for films and the only thing that would have been worse was if The Reader won.

I’ll say it: BP shouldn’t have been nominated, and the shitty CG rhinos and complete dreck that was virtually all of Killmonger’s dialogue should have been the nails in the coffin. It was a great superhero film but a slightly above average film in nearly all other regards. I would rather have the Academy nominate great

Personally, I quite liked The Wife buuutttt that’s largely due to Close and Pryce’s performances. To me at least, there are films that would be pretty good regardless of who were cast (as long as they were competent), and there are films that only become watchable or unwatchable due to the leads. Overall, it’s a servic

They were, and she famously didn’t know him and didn’t want to kiss him. He just grabbed her. She also wasn’t a nurse; she was a dental assistant.