
White woman from Minnesota here: We called them teasing combs because those of us with curly/ frizzy hair would use them with our Dep and mousse to contain our hair, particularly when it got humid outside. Practically every girl/ woman of a certain age had one, and in my case, I didn’t even know that folks called it an

Allison is referring to the makeover episode, when then frontrunners Bebe and Ongina had to LSFYL and Ru excused herself from the room to make the decision. The first double elimination and double save didn’t come until Season 5 and there were a limited number of episodes ordered for S1, so saving both Bebe and Ongina

Between the memes, notes, lending Dela White Out, and the Shangela vote, Thorgy won All Stars 3.

Salt buildup can definitely be corrosive to a vehicle’s undercarriage, and it can scratch the body of a car (as can sand or anything else really). That’s why in winter in particular, if you’re getting your car washed take it to someplace that has a touchfree wash. All the grime and salts get stuck in the mops, so even

The authentic” goulash recipes I’ve been exposed to all have very minimal quantities of ketchup (think 1tbsp at the most per serving).

The Upper Midwest in particular is famed for its confusing Lutheran and Catholic church cookbooks: Catholic from the Irish, Poles, and Slavic folks, Lutheran from Germany and Scandinavian countries.

Kate, this recipe is identical to my Polish grandmothers goulash recipe except for the inclusion of... wait for it... elbow macaroni. It was actually her mother’s recipe, but once they had been living in the Midwest for a while, they started adding random things like noodles (grandma also occasionally added celery for

“lol” Thank God that Hot Take is here to live up to their username.

She supports Green energy and Medicare for All; she just isn’t naive enough to think that “tee hee, tax the rich and we will easily completely overhaul our national structure” is a feasible plan. She knows that shit rarely gets done overnight and that while platitudes might “inspire” they don’t always make for sound, f

Some happiness in case anyone is dry having into a trash barrel:

Exactly. So few doctors go into this very needed speciality, so +one million to folks like Dr. Shah that not only provide vital services but that also actively work to destigmatize the taboo and disinformation spread around them.

Pamela Adlon is a treasure, and it’s great to see some coverage of a more nuanced nature regarding how one processes the actions of their friends and mentors.

Strahovski really hit it out of the park last season and I was shocked she didn’t win the awards for it.

“if everyone’s being honest with themselves, if we are ever seated on a plane like that in a middleseat in steerage class, we sit there saying a silent prayer that the passengers coming to fill the window and aisle seats are petit”

Yeah, even in the LGBTQ community, it is implicitly understood that drag is for everyone... that is adult.

Pedantic Note: It’s “beard” not “bear”. Bear has its own separate connotation.

In many sports that compete internationally “mens” and “ladies” refer to the sex based divisions, where terms like “junior” and “senior” refer to age divisions within those groups. In the US, “senior ladies” is 13+ and internationally, it is 15+. It isn’t meant to suggest that older girls and women are essentially geri

Not at all. Many years ago, a friend committed suicide with seemingly no warning signs other than an argument with her ex earlier that day. By her funeral, it had came out that she was involved in some seriously unsavory shit and more or less panicked because her only options were jail or worse and the mood was really

+1 for username :)

Farrah just isn’t a “Drag Race” queen. I’ve seen her live, and her burlesque numbers are excellent. But this competition demands a lot and tends to reward queens that fit in certain buckets, and Farrah doesn’t correspond with most of them.