
Considering that white women are the primary factor why we will have a democratic House in 2019 and why several local races flipped Dem, you can take the bitter sarcasm out of your sentence and thank them honestly.

Some people are just not suited to this format, and Farrah seems to be one of those folks. Everytime I’ve seen her live, shes been wonderful (maybe not winners circle wonderful, but definitely strong with performance and choreo). But, in those cases, she isn’t learning a new routine in two days or competing against oth

You found the atheist that lives by “logic”.

Late to the party, but this comment is SO TRUE.

I asked my SVP for book recommendations to improve my French skills, and she sent me this entire series... translated into French. I was expecting more of a practical tutorial, but oh well.

Funnily enough, Helena Bonham Carter was in the running for the role that eventually went to Jennifer Connolly in the original Labyrinth, and I maintain that she would have been infinitely more entertaining.

From a Ticketmaster standpoint, most folks already have tickets on their phones and I’ve never had expediency issues when entering a venue. Granted, 90% of my tickets are Broadway shows or NFL games so maybe concert ticket taking is more congested.

Remove “nuance” and add Cardi B, and you have a list! (mostly)

Graham is REALLY the perfect companion, and it’s nice to see a fully fleshed companion that isn’t a pretty disoriented girl (Rose, and most of the others), an ethereal Wunderkind (Clara, though she got a TON of excellent episodes), or the young dude “searching for himself” that gets caught in the crossfire (Rory, Ryan,

HRC ALSO very clearly stated in that exact same segment that institutional and internalized sexism had a significant role to play, particularly why women feel the need to be primary caregivers in the first place, and how “working woman = bad mom” plays a role in not only limiting women’s earning power, but in enhancing

According to People NOW, which yes, I watch when I’m home officing, the “rude servant” thing was dismissed by the royal press secretaries, but People was able to verify most everything else.

Inside jokes? Well, Tamar... :)

The “curated queen personalityelement is pretty annoying and the producer intervention on behalf of Instagram sensation queens is becoming far more obvious. For example, Kim Chi was pretty much dragged to the Season 8 finale and one could argue the same for Adore, Pearl, the Aja hype in S9, amongst others.

GOT didn’t promote two All Stars seasons, a regular season, and a Christmas special in one year. Hell, the takeaway here is that GOT can not even air new episodes for over a year and STILL be nearly the most popular subreddit.

It is unfortunately not even remotely a surprise how many of his edgelord “ACTUALLY” acolytes are dredging the comments with “due process”, because, like Tyson and his constant braggadocio online, they misunderstand that “can” does not mean “should.”

Having had to manage and negotiate several CBAs, it’s ridiculous that these Gawkmodo folks actually think the WGA gives two shits about them. The WGA wants their dues and it’s obvious that the employees here gladly did so to make a statement without understanding the logistics of organized labor in service/ digital ind

Just like they said HRC was too “old” and “centrist” when she had a 93% voting record with the even older person they bloated about endlessly, or when they said they “would vote Warren if she ran” because she called stuff out but now we can’t like her for calling stuff out and now Gillibrand is some shill when she was

The pitfall of working from home when not freelancing is also that you will be completely INUNDATED with Skype calls from your other remote colleagues. People rely on your calendar availability, so I always book work blocks where I’m unavailable or listed as OOTO. Without it, you’ll be working all hours and it will bec

“if I had health insurance that covered a doctor’s appointment”

Maybe it’s a regional thing, but that school looks on the low end of normal based on my experiences. The facilities aren’t particularly great, and the lunch menu is actually pretty limited considering what one would find at a regular public or private high school. I mean, one music room for all grades? My public high s