
As someone that averages nearly s third of their year staying in hotels, I agree. I can and do expense the costs of tipping servers, doing dry cleaning, etc, but can’t expense cash tips for housekeeping as there is no record. Adding a tip line item to the portfolio would be helpful.

Science allowing us to discover new locations? Begone, #Colonizer!

My guess is mainland Chinese. There have been a TON of stories (and photos) out of Hong Kong where mainlanders just drop trou anywhere, most notably in an Apple Store. 

Yeah, I’m kind of surprised by all the folks extolling the virtues of this place.

Considering that Mia Love was just ousted in Utah (expanding the Dem majority in the House), he will probably be tweeting soon enough.

I swear, these people legit believed that Hillary Clinton had some Hank Scorpio undrground bunker where she plotted and devised to give the Denver Broncos to a trusted employee whilst taking over the east coast. Unfortunately, so called “progressives” bought that shit as well because nothing is more terrifying than a w

On the Photoshopped Z photo, you can see where she “pulled up” her daughters butt because the floor directly below is slightly warped.

I’m definitely of the same mind; it wasn’t boring, it just had a million issues. Queenie and her 20s flapper/ newyawhk accent drove me insane.

Though as a former USFA kid, I am confused at the “deduction” remark. Fencing uses a carding system for penalites, where a yellow card is a warning, a red card is a touch for your opponent (meaning one point), and bye Felicia if you get a black card. Providing Tahani was fencing with the correct weapon and hit the vali

This is a young person that got elected off novelty and quite frankly, I find it slightly insulting that people are entertaininng a person with absolutely no knowledge or experience of governance/ leadership, that casually drops “turns lewks” into professional correspondence, and that isn’t even eligible for the Presid

Person that deals with food safety stuff across multiple states/ counties here.

I’ve always been a sucker for “companion- historical” episodes, whether it’s this one or “Father’s Day”, alternate universe centric like “Age of Steel” or wannabe companion centric like “The Woman who Lived”, and as a result, this episode had the gravitas that seemed to be lacking in “Rosa”. That episode seemed like an

It would be interesting to see a ranking that takes into account the airline you are flying, as terminals that only or largely service one specific airline tend to vary wildly.

I live in a state that sent two Dem women to the Senate, a Somali-American woman to the House, is getting a female Blue Earth Lt. Governor, a governor that gives a shit about women and people of every walk of life from his time as a teacher, and we flipped state districts that have NEVER had Dem representation blue...

In 2000? Sure. That’s actually why I specifically chose Al Gore for this example. He is the poster child of how men can stay the same and have their public perception change pretty handily.

Look at how female CEOs and politicians are treated when they’re not considered “likeable”. Al Gore can be a lovable, awkward, policy wonk but when a female doppelganger comes along, she’s “boring, uninspiring, shrill, tired, plodding, old” or whatever negative connotation we can give her. There are very few “asshole,

Aww, the poor baby is pissed that Democrats won and flipped multiple gubernatorial races, putting several state legislatures in a position to undo voter suppression tactics and gerrymandered districts. Maybe you should audition for a spot on Fox and Friends so you can be with more like minded individuals.

No, it’s actually ferried by Romulan Morgai class ships and harvested by the power of a thousand Reman slaves. The shrimp tastes so good because it’s seasoned by their tears.

If you check exit polls and the WaPo’s analysis, you can actually thank white, suburban, college educated women for flipping a lot of the house and gubernatorial seats. They are a significant population that voted reliably Democratic for the first time in the 2016 election. The problem is that the further rural you go,

The preciousjournalists” were rightly called out over this past week for their steaming hot takes leading up to election day (just like their even more shitty takes leading up to the 2016 election), and the response was to send everyone to the grays and refuse to bring folks out.