::prepares for flames::
::prepares for flames::
As a mayo, YT, wypipo, colonizer or whatever lazy ass slur we are trying to make happen now, good riddance.
FYI, you’re replying to the tomato troll. Their gig is to be initially rational to get approved, then devolve into excessively hyperbolic “progressive” comments. Normally they stay off of Jez, but my guess is that the article may have been cross posted.
Sangria. Only instead of fruit, the fruit flavor comes from infused alcohol.
The first time I took this thing, I was in elementary school, have taken it countless times since, and always get the same result, so yay for consistency?
This reminds me of the sheer volume of Coco Montrese jack o lanterns I encountered this Halloween. And I’m at peace with that.
If memory serves me correctly (and by memory, I mean my shameful back collection of Teen Beat and BOP magazines) it was Kate Winslet that told Cameron “you dont have to hire me, but you need to hire him” in regards to Leo during the audition process. Which, considering how much of an ass Cameron was to her during filmi…
Not that it will change their precious fee fees, but someone needs to drill to these guys that a population majority is not the same as a social majority.
It’s not surprising, as this group of sites has always tended to hire people that cannot take critique well and that personally lash out at their critics. Tracie being a dick in every comment section that pointed out her general awfulness, writers arguing openly when they are corrected about incorrect information, the …
Women are targeted every. day. Over 100 women in the States alone are beaten every hour. The leading cause of death for pregnant women is homicide. It transcends every socioeconomic, political, racial, cultural, and sexual orientation.
100% agreed.
All of these coastal urban transplants (because, let’s face it, most of them are) are far too preoccupied with shitting on the places they were allegedly too evolved for instead of understanding where they come from and how shit really is/ gets done. And I am saying this as a person that spent nearly their entire adult…
They would do what they did in 2009: Bitch about how the Democrats aren’t young, hip, fresh, or liberal enough for their allegedly enlightened sensibilities, and a group of equally deluded commenters will enable them by insisting that “the truth is being told”.
My grandmother went this way; it’s terrible. At the beginning, she knew “the mind is going” but it doesn’t seem too out of the ordinary, just typical forgetfulness. Then, we had to send her to a memory care facility (where my mother thankfully also worked) because her 92 year old boyfriend wasn’t able to physically car…
There is definitely an attitude in some circles that the cycle of poverty and its effects does not apply in rural white America. It is an attitude that poverty is somewhat easier to escape and more unforgivable if and when folks don’t.
Dennis seems to be strangely dedicated to ignoring the best parts of everything in his reviews, like many of the reviewers around here. Hell, two weeks ago, the Bob’s Burgers reviewer didn’t even MENTION that it was a musical episode with high caliber talent and managed to get major plot points incorrect along the way.
Seconding Meetup; there are groups about virtually anything.
Jodie was awesome, and it was great to watch the Doctor finding herself throughout the episode. Although it seemed like SOMEONE would have to get the axe the first episode I’m bummed it was Grace. Any of the other companions would be sad to lose, but none of them had that total gung-ho attitude towards their situation…
BUT BUT BUT how do I scream that I’m totally woque against those awful wypipo in my Colonizer playlist????????
She likes the guy and he likes her, so what? She answered a question posed at an interview about an innocuous gesture at a public event.