
Posted the exact same gif downthread. “Tristofe and the front row had a cucumber water cooldown after class.”

I spin about three days a week (but have never encountered Soul Cycle) and you NEED that damn towel. It’s not so much about the floor, but mainly for your damn body. In a normal spin class, you’re cycling at a relatively high intensity for 55-60 minutes straight, and if the room isn’t well cooled, you sweat like a

I am an avid cycler, but Soul Cycle will NEVER, EVER, fail to inspire thoughts of this:

What happened to Cecil was disgusting for many reasons, and like other people, I’ve been pretty vociferous about how enraged it made me.

Procecco? They drink Moscato or Rose now.

Granted, knowing Central MN all too well, I was initially terrified a bunch of folk would run their mouths in support of this guy. This is the congressional district that repeatedly elected Bachmann, after all.

EXACTLY. I am in Minnesota and we’re all fucking PISSED. This is a state that relies on hunting and fishing patronage, and probably 80% of the state has hunted/ fished or is avid at both. This asshole broke all the rules (and laws), and MN hunters will be the first to line up to string the guy up and gut him like a

Those kids already cut a rug like this:

Seriously. Fuck this guy. This is not a case of misplaced outrage, and he deserves every bit of vitriol thrown at him.

Really? Good.

Agreed, but the second he was identified, it became ridiculously easy to trace him back to his dental practice. I don’t believe that this dude’s employees, wife, kids, etc should be subject to threats or abuse, but since the guy has a business attached to his name, it was only a matter of time.

This fucker lured the lion off the preserve specifically so it would be “legal” to kill him, as as the Telegraph reports, they returned to kill the wounded lion and remove his collar from the preserve before decapitating him and skinning him.

I’m late to the party and have little to offer other than your ridiculously insightful commentary, but I read “knifey-spooney” and now can only think of this:

In order to become 20% Nicer Friendly Gawker Media Site, we’ve all subjected ourselves to a partial lobotomy.

Either bad, or very poorly hung?

In the print room, they noted that someone had filled every toner cartridge with New Coke.

You’ve described the Midwest PERFECTLY.

We harvest organs all the time, Huckster.

I don’t disagree that’s the case in a lot of respects, but my initial statement is also true in other cases. There are people who put on the kid gloves not because they don’t want to offend, but because they don’t want to be perceived as offensive. It is the actual embodiment of making the feelings of others a

I feel the same way, and I wasn’t trying to suggest that the onus is on POC to be the educators. Honestly, a truly belligerent white person would probably only listen to another white person that is attempting to put a somewhat similar experience into perspective.