
I'm guessing the Spanish meaning is intentional: Dolores is, excluding Ford's 'family', the oldest operational host and so will have have suffered at the hands of the guests the longest; she is the physical embodiment of the pain the hosts endure daily and their slow rebellion against it.

Don't miss 'my best bro is a sentient cow!' coming soon to CBS! Westworld what? You'll be mooooving your chest with laughter as we milk the buddy comedy for all it's worth! Watch as a guy becomes bros for life with a cow that has just gained sentience! Gasp with giggles as the cow has an ongoing existential breakdown

*about her Grammy-winning album :D


Remember they said that Delores was the park's oldest host, and that she had been repaired many times. I think she started out the same as the old robot Hopkins was talking to, and over the course of time was upgraded. So the same could be true of the MiB if he is indeed a host

I'm not sure about the Barcelona bit, maybe it picks up deliberate intonation? English is Tahani's spoken language, or at least she says it is, she mentions to Michael 'as we Brits say' and tells Eleanor she was raised in London. Jason speaks english shown in the flashbacks when he lived in Jacksonville FL

Since we're only really hearing Tahani from our point of view, maybe because both she and Eleanor speak English, Eleanor doesn't need translation, and thus can hear her accent, whilst maybe non-english speakers would hear American.

IKR that's false advertising

I loved how they called back to Mrs Hernandez being the director of communications - she was wearing a headset when she and Paula 'landed the plane' 😂

Good point :D

One thing I've noticed since the show began is that in class, when Annalise asks a question, she only ever picks one of the Keating Five to answer. Does she care about the other students' results?!