
Its always funny to see the party that commits voter fraud other manner of vote problems is the one that screams about it the most.

“I’m going to tell my three thousand followers...”

In Portland we have a citizen review board made up of...

Imagine if our entire judicial system allowed every suspect to be investigated by their friends. I’d bet police would still find themselves innocent more than the average population.

“an internal investigation by the Miami Police Department”

Well they sure as hell aren’t eating that Hagen-Dazs, because that’s from Yurp and we beat them in World War Two!

No right-thinking MAGAts eat Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, them’s communist flavors.

2018: “Facts don’t care about your feelings, libtard!

Teachers Union? Oh honey, it’s South Carolina. They don’t do unions down there. 

Hmm, yes his argument makes sense. I would always choose to cutoff my source of income for provably false accusations. Absolutely perfect response.

The president is lying. I don’t know why he’s lying, but I know that he’s a liar and I know that liars lie. That’s their job in the same way that haters hate.

To the compliant and mindful residents in Texas, I will pray for you, otherwise...

What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit. BUT when the ACTUAL LAW is applied like, say...requiring them to stay inside for their own safety, well then that’s governmental overreach. Lord knows we cannot step on their Constitutional rights.

May cause anal leakage. 

No, we will not have Mexico opening, we will close Mexico. I don’t think it’s coincidence that someone named Westbrook (sounds Spanish to me) is discussing Mexico. If Labrador Obra Din has a problem with that, he can feel the wrath of my tariffs and beautiful long words. It’s time Mexico started manufacturing

Don’t suddenly stop taking Precidia as death can occur. 

Don’t take Precidia if you’re allergic to Precidia.

That was my first thought as well. Honestly, I’d rather have the handling mods, with the original horsepower. 

Doesn’t the ZL1 come with a ton of handling mods too though?