
That picture still terrifies me.

They’re practicing for a future career in police work?

I’m thinking that since he was there with his daughter and they were your typical young, drunk, males, they were making lewd comments about her and things went south from there.

Anything made after the 50's should never have flames. Still acceptable on 1950's and earlier hotrods for historical (and badass) sake.

I was thinking about painting my car with the flames starting at the back and heading towards the front. I want to give off a “God damn this car can slow down!” vibe.

I didn’t make this, but I feel everyone should see it

It must hurt on so many levels.

Linus is pissed.

Fuck this dude. I hope they throw the book at him.

What if I’m creating a delicious venison stew?

What if I’m creating a delicious venison stew?

I feel like there should be a “guns for Miter saws” trade in going on. More people should focus on creating rather than destroying.

I feel like there should be a “guns for Miter saws” trade in going on. More people should focus on creating rather

Hey, I haven’t logged in or commented in at least 3 months and I have never even played that game but I just woke my wife up laughing.

Fucking DYING

is it x

No! Cars look awful with front plates on them.

Sony owns the rights to Spider-Man. They didn’t have a buy an exclusive.

“Kias are so good-looking” comments always have the implied “better than what I expect from Kia” subtext. And a lot of that is just the better than expected (better than Chevrolet?) appearance of external build quality. Everything lines up. The panel gaps are small. It’s just cognitive dissonance for people who

Haha, this response slayed me. I could hear the dripping sarcasm.

my favorite part was when you backed up your thesis with science, mathematics, and hard evidence.