Now playing

Don’t remember when I first played though we had it on NES when I was little. They managed to make an 8Bit sound track stick with you forever though.

I never owned an NES or SNES as a kid, so my first moments with the game were at other people’s houses. I remember three encounters:

totally! ^_^

Cats, they never cease being both amusing and amazing as well as being cute at the same time. XD

No one fucking cares. Shut up about re-translation shit.

Oh, the days when you actually had to spend a grand or two on a gaming PC. When you had to futz around with IRQs to get even simple hardware like a mouse working. When you had to have separate boot disks for each game, each with meticulously crafted memory settings to get the damn things to play. When “online gaming”

I still have, and use, this speaker system. The speakers still work so why not?

I still remember the time when i played Half life on my old PC <3 Same with team fortress classic

Where’s the turbo button?

God...A Gateway. So Gross

It’s especially muggy and hot underground during the summer (likely because the train car air conditioning systems dump their exhaust heat into the tunnels, which funnel toward the platforms). When the heat mixes with the smell of the garbage on the tracks and around the platforms it makes the stench worse. Facilities

It gets stinking hot in summer (and I do mean stinking); long escalators frequently break down; many surfaces are covered with years of grime; ingress and egress routes are way too crowded for rush hours (particularly on rainy days); wi-fi doesn’t work, and that’s just for starters.

35 mph with spoiler... but probably only 30 without.

Seems about right...

It was a good run

I miss the days when game developers created a game the way they intend to and not cater to whiny a holes

“I don’t like it, so no one should like it. - Learn my way! The correct way!”

Learn what? That Japanese cultural astetics should conform to those of some foreigner? Why?

Because two guys can throw it into the back of a refrigerator truck in 5 seconds.