
I hear that, maybe not as thoughtful as a blog post? :) Maybe a tweet, nice and vacuous! :D

That was not a good song in any meaningful measure. It didn’t flow, at all. Low quality sample, low quality rhythm, piss-poor lyrics, and great quality microphones–so, it is literally a polished turd...

“ like making a song about golddiggers and then marrying a Kardashian.”

I am a big fan of these things that I have never seen! I love it!

I don’t use it; however, it was recorded on SnapChat–a vacuous vertical viewing bullshit kid-app...;

He’s out of the news and spotlight, he’s likely not involved (FWIW, I do not like anything about him). :)

I live here, I’m a decent person that has compassion for all; we aren’t all shitty stereotypes. :)

I live in this joke; it’s happened before...

I respectfully disagree. I’m satisfied with this one. :)

Does he need to start or stop making clay things?

Charter Schools are publicly-funded anti-inclusion, racist, socially regressive, and borderline abusive (financially) to the staff. This bullshit doesn’t surprise me; fuck charter schools and all the assholes who voted for them.

Support art teachers; and all the other teachers too!

RED for ed... (I’m a teacher in AZ, we walk out 4/26)

Respectful Counterpoint:

This makes me happy. I’m going to sleep in a great mood now. :)

I’ve had lots and lots of jobs; one was Starbucks; the corporate mantra was “to be a place for people to hang out”, with or without buying anything.

“We all benefit from educated, safe children with skilled teacher/mentors.”

Some cultures that I have the opportunity to interact with view the home and the school as separate and compartmentalized as to not interact with each other. Some of the students I teach are average American-born kids and their parents are from, seemingly another era and, and another country altogether. It can be

Sometimes we are; but, that has to do with a myriad of social and cultural factors. Sometimes we have kids that show up and sit in class, once every 10 days so the house can get some type of funding. It’s difficult at best...

So, you got an engineering degree to get a job in the automotive industry because you wanted to engineer away the beauty of the first car you fell in love with by shitting on artists? The artist is the reason for everything.