I haven’t the faintest idea, it seems like an unnecessary use of time and resources in my view. Maybe, one of the Secret Service called the police because they knew lunch was going to be cold sandwiches, and they could smell the chili? :)
I haven’t the faintest idea, it seems like an unnecessary use of time and resources in my view. Maybe, one of the Secret Service called the police because they knew lunch was going to be cold sandwiches, and they could smell the chili? :)
When I saw that pic of Eddie Murphy, I giggled. When I see Murphy, I have feelings of happy nostalgia. I wonder if that was the intent of the OP?
The potential exists that BurnerMan was being sincere, would you be willing to consider that potential?
The potential exists that BurnerMan was being sincere, would you be willing to consider that potential?
When I read the part about feeding chili and corn muffins to the officers and agents, I felt blissful. I enjoy reading things that relate to compassion, I think it seems to be overlooked in our social interactions. I don’t agree with the little bit that I know about Pence, I feel pity when I think about him, and I…
Did you play SM: Odyssey? I enjoy it, and recommend it without reservation. :)
No please or thank you in the Model 3 article? Isn’t common courtesy important, or is it too dynamic?
Sincerely, I have read your writing, and I feel confused when I think about your struggle with words. For example, dynamic relates to movement–cars move, car parts move, cares move people, vehicles move industry, etc. (You have ‘car’ 32 times in your article, is ‘car’ meaningless? ‘A’ come in at 40 times, is ‘a’…
I appreciate your explanation, thank you. I can definitely see how it could be perceived as trolling; the internet is a bit hostile at times. Hopefully, internet avatars/screen names can remember that people are behind the words so compassion and desire to understand can be the norm–hopefully. Cheers!
I apologize for the delay, I was visiting family in another state–and happy winter season to you and yours.
I’m asking the questions because I am practicing having conversations in a constructive way. I have a desire to have constructive conversations, and I need to practice things I’m not necessarily great at. Part of that practice is creating understanding between myself and the person I am communicating with. I am…
I appreciate our conversation, and thank you for taking the time to communicate with me. I’m sorry that I typed something that inspired you to distrust my motives; I didn’t realize I communicated my motives ineffectively. When I asked what your definition of white america was, I wanted to know what your definition of…
When I read your article, I became hung-up on the usage of vaporware–what does vaporware mean to you?
I don’t feel angry or confused; I was asking a couple of questions to clarify what you meant. Would you be willing to provide some clarity for another who doesn’t feel inclined to assume your thoughts?
I’m sorry you have felt that way before. I have had a couple students talk about me like that before that I have heard clearly. I heard them because my Asperger Superpower is Super-Hearing (not kidding, can’t filter it, I can hear lightbulbs and glass TV’s with black screens...). Luckily, because of the slight AS…
“Youths are terrifying; they have the same perceptiveness of adults, but are less likely to filter their observations. Their instincts for zeroing in on other people’s insecurities are at their peak, honed by a thousand lunchroom skirmishes. Let these teens confront Ivanka Trump, who is basically suspended in…
I am curious about your thoughts. When I read your comment, I wondered what your version of white america is?
Be true to you.
The last Jeep you will ever need:
I consider the CRZ when I read your comment.