It’s from the Wolf3D from 1992, before you were born, whiny twat. This. This is the you do for a living?
It’s from the Wolf3D from 1992, before you were born, whiny twat. This. This is the you do for a living?
It is so pseudo-professionals like yourself can advertise for them by whining about asinine decisions that companies make about products you aren’t interested in.
Epic? Not my cup of tea. Confirmation bias reinforced. Sad.
I pity you.
As a highschool Ceramics teacher of F, S, J, and Seniors–fuck-most but not all-Sophomores in general, and more specifically, fuck-most but not all-first semester Sophomores. It’s painful how arrogantly stupid some, but not all, of them are.
I did burnouts in a 1995 Ford Escort Maunal Station Wagon. In high school. 18 years ago. Burnouts aren’t special.
I own a 2015 HPD CRZ. Next time you’re in AZ, I invite you to drive it, so you can pull your head out.
grow up
Politics? You aren’t American. Shut up convict baby.
I know, I’m always hopeful though. Sometimes I’m so hopeful that I type things. Hey, I think you are great. :)
Only white people depicted as asking, “How is that racist?”. One would think this reinforces frustration with the “other”.
It is a sad situation.
Vote accordingly.
No we don’t. Vote accordingly.
How did you get fired?
As a teacher, I will always follow through with what I say. I write up kids when I say I will–careful about how much extra work you create for yourself. Also, they like structure–no matter how much they complain about it.
You forgot to mention the (around) $30 million budgeted in AZ’s spending to have MCSO comply with compliance with the no racism ruling. Also, approximately $90 million career legal fees that the taxpayers have paid for.
Burnouts are for neanderthals.
You write so well. Go on...