
I respectfully disagree. I’m happy with my ‘15 HPD CR-Z, Number 014.

Although, you might not care at the moment. Your article is incorrect regarding the financial elements.

Accept the fact that everybody’s hands sweat and focus on bigger issues?

I could, but I also know that I can take things literally because I’m an Aspie. Also, to be fair, this is the internet sweetheart–there is no personal.

Continue explaining yourself, winner!

...and then?

Fair enough. I suppose I might not survive in a conversation with the hardest of hardcore gamers. I’m ok with being a n00b compared to their ilk.

Sorry, I took it literally. I have Aspergers; I do that.

Honestly, you should–but only for a three-year window.

No worries, I need to apologize because humor is missed on me more than the neurotypical. There are more neurotypicals than aspies; no worries. :)

OH MY GAWD! PUNS! Words are so real and concrete and the bib-dictionary says so. Yeah, I have a problem with puns and alliterations. I feel for your son; good coping news–he didn’t find out about it at 31. :) I wish him the best in a more open and accepting future.

Kinda? I rock the Asperger’s, so functional is debatable in any given circumstance/stress level.

Sorry, I took it literally. I have Aspergers; I do that.

Sorry, I took it literally. I have Aspergers; I do that.

I get too carried away often–the balance is there, just gotta find it.

True. Sometimes I try to nuance the nuance-noobs. It keeps me entertained when surrounded by boobs. ;) 

That is funny! I don’t know the answer, other than it might help to have good conversation with the ‘sleeping’ isn’t happening?

Sorry, I took it literally. I have Aspergers; I do that.

Sorry, I took it literally. I have Aspergers; I do that.

I see where you are coming from, however I can’t recall the feeling of ‘being forced to listen’ in conversations. Either way, I would try to zoom-out of the specifics and try to thematize the conversation to more neutral ground. Sometimes with my students I smile and say, “Yeah, I dunno man. I’m glad you like