
I don’t know. I think through its history lots of folks paid to be more spiritual in Christianity. Looking at the Catholic church and tithing in general.

My guess is these days there is more wood in shredded cheese than cheese.

Didn’t the Seahawks get into trouble for hiding a Sherman injury?

Fuck racing bandits and stop writing about them!

“In today’s society...” This is from someone at Stanford? Jesus. I used this for freshman english papers at a state school in the south.

I would have added red paint in the shade of blood, but i imagine you can’t walk into a museum or studio with a can of paint.

Great article.


Can anyone else translate this comment for a 40 year old mid-western man?

Very nice.

This guy gets it.

Check out to see the realities of OK. It’s satire, but news and papers there are garbage.

And nothing will happen.

How about less commercials? Networks will charge more for each one. 

Right? WTF!

What backlash? There are more Repubs in office now and we have an orange for a president.


None of this is real, right? It’s the other Sean Spicer from Arizona and in college or something?

Right in the feels with this one.

you didn’t star me.