
“If only they had voted for Hillary, this wouldn’t have happened.”

I could very easily Google this...but I don't know what Christmas crackers are! I mean, I know they are a British thing, and apparently you get prizes??

Uhuh. I was a jeweller for a number of years where I made ALL the Tiffany knock-offs for a fraction of the price using the same (or better) materials. Retail is retail is retail and people will always buy overpriced gimmicky crap. Having said that, I WANT A SHITTY DIAMOND CANDLE TOO!

I am more than slightly obsessed with Christmas crackers. I will lay out the big bucks for the large-size crackers with the really "good" prizes - you know, little pairs of scissors, corkscrews, bracelets, tiny decks of cards. I have a serious thing for Christmas crackers. I'll buy them on sale after Xmas and

as long as you don't pay $125 for a string necklace, you're still good.

I just bought two - one Diamond Candle and one Jewel Scent. I feel shame and guilt but I am just so INTRIGUED! Thanks, jez

I totally didn't want one until I read this article. Now I'm all like WE NEED THESE SHITTY STINKY CANDLES IN THE UK TOO GIVE THEM TO ME NOW

I would love it if it just automatically started re-pinning things with #soblessed.