Panda Liberation Front

The thing is, though, that everything is performance. Our whole damn lives (thank you Irving Goffman ;-) ). It’s kind of uncomfortable to think of it because we want to think of ourselves as spontaneous and authentic, but it’s what we do. We learn to be friends, to love, to perform our professions, to be good

I’m honestly just happy that our culture has finally started to acknowledge that women can be friends without being competitive, just talking about men, etc. I went to a women’s college, and the number of times I was asked “Ugh, doesn’t it get so catty and bitchy there with all those girls?” still makes me mad. Like

I’m having a lot of trouble wrapping my mind around Jezebel decrying feminism that focuses on rich white women.

Not that this is for anyone’s benefit but my own, but going one step further: I’m married to a woman who works in film, on the technical side, in an area that is incredibly sexist and at a level (for now) that is very far from Hollywood wealth and movie-star privilege. She struggles to get the kinds of breaks that

Since you don’t have that information, I think there could be a humbler way to raise the issues you raise without doing this endless dance of passing judgment on the always misguided, always uninformed, always blinkered, privileged, foolish ways that other people practice feminism.

Include some all caps rage, a Beyonce reference and a story about being sensitive about your weight and you could be going places.

Hey anything but unionizing, am I right America? If you can’t get a better salary, then there must be something you’re doing wrong. Don’t think about the company. Just do better in a rigged game!

Yes, they are ridiculously privileged. But this piece smacks a little bit of the “no one should be able to complain unless they have it the unparalleled worst” which is an increasing sentiment. You can feel lucky, #blessed, and check your privilege while still feeling slighted. Especially if you are, you know, being

As much shit as Patricia Arquette received for her speech, the message that men need to stand up for women’s issues isn’t incorrect. Why aren’t any male actors speaking out about wage equality among their own peers? This applies to men throughout the economic scale: men at each level must be speaking up on behalf of

You are. Apparently you must start at the absolute bottom of the privilege scale, or your efforts aren’ valid. In general though, women’s efforts aren’t valid.

Susan Sarandon gets paid a shit-ton of money. Ergo, she should just sit down, shut up, and accept that she gets paid significantly less than fellow male actors, so as to not offend the poors.

I disagree with equating actresses pushing for equal pay as a step that will help working women get equal pay. But, actresses speaking up addresses the misogynistic culture of the entertainment industry. That is a real problem that needs to be addressed.

The question about valuing Lawrence’s work was quasi-rhetorical, but the answer is obvious: nothing. Lawrence’s value says absolutely nothing about how we value any woman’s work. It speaks only to how we value Jennifer Lawrence.

I have nothing against BLM, and am generally supportive of it and its goals while realizing that it’s not a cohesive enough movement to support across the board. But the comments here are disheartening to me, because they remind me once again that for so many people (women included; maybe women especially here, since

I’d hope that I wouldn’t bring the sordid details of someone’s past in order to imply that they are somehow unstable.

Thank you. So many people on this site are quick to throw rape victims under the bus if they’re accusing someone on the left because they want their world view to remain intact. Thing is, it doesn’t have to fall apart just because one leader commits a crime. There are shitty people in every political movement, so why

Does being part of BLM somehow make it less likely that you’ve committed crimes? Maybe this girl is lying, but the fact that the dude is associated with BLM definitely shouldn’t skew our thinking one way or the other on this. Seems like you’re desperate to believe this dude is innocent.

Please don’t do it unless you’re hurting, because I’ll bet you’re gorgeous! Some people feel lustful when they look at breasts, and that makes them uncomfortable, so rather than admit their feelings, they transfer those feelings and blame the object of their lust. In reality, your boobs are amazing and you get to

It really happens and it’s very effective shaming. I was DD in 6th grade. Now DDD. I was ashamed of all the cleavage, the bouncing. Just mortified and tank tops are out of the question. My tits have made me the focal point for so much harassment I can’t even begin to tell you. People like this are the worst, almost

Ok, I’m fully on board (esp bc this is my struggle!) but...